T H I R T Y - N I N E

69 16 0

We are lulled to a half-sleep, a dream-like state in which we existed weightlessly. Naked limbs entangled together, our bodies acknowledging and accepting the magnetic pull we had always denied, finally allowing ourselves the pleasure of each other's much-needed touch. The warm summer breeze kisses our damp skin as it enters through a window in the moonlit room.

We refuse to acknowledge the fact that it was well into the night, that I had never made it home.

We refuse to come back to reality. For there was no reality much grander, nor more perfect than the one we had created.

Enclosed in this space, in this time, in this place, I lived only for him and him for me.

For now, for the time that remained, our world consisted of only two things: The moonlit summer breeze, and the ecstasy that had clouded our drowsy brains.


As I lay my head upon his warm chest and listen to his heart beat, I could hear his breathing deepening. He was falling asleep.

I felt my own eyes close as I wrapped myself tighter to him, his hand pulling me closer to his side.


"Hmmm?" He mumbles drowsily, petting my head in a soothing motion.

"Who was your first kiss?"

He chuckles sleepily, "Her name was Cecile. She was a foreign exchange student."

"Was she pretty?"

"I don't remember. I was eleven, princess."

"That's really young. Was it a proper kiss then?" I tease.

"Proper snogged her at eleven, I did."

"Shut up, no you didn't."

I knew he was smirking, I didn't even have to look at him.

"When was yours?" He asks, continuing to stroke my hair.

"Last year."

"Last year?" He asks in utter surprise. "Eighteen then?"


"With who."

"I...I don't remember." I say sheepishly.

"You're lying." He doesn't say it in an accusatory tone, he simply states it as a fact, implying that I didn't want to tell him.

"I'm not actually. It was my first uni party, I think he was the lad that owned the flat, but I never really figured it out. I was bloody pissed."

"Reasons why you don't drink til you drop at uni parties." He says kissing my forehead.

"You aren't bothered?"

"Why would I be bothered? What matters is being a girl's last kiss, anyone could be her first."

I shake my head slightly, snuggling into his warm, bare chest, "Still full of cliches are we?"

"Mmmhmm." He replies turning on his side and embracing me to him. Bare skin to bare skin.

I relish the contact, try to memorize what it felt like, his touch, his smell. I would store this away for when I was at home, alone in my bed, wishing he were there with me.

"I can't believe this is happening." I whisper into his torso.

"Life is crazy." He replies.

"But so utterly perfect."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he says, "Go to sleep, princess."

I close my eyes, wrapped in his embrace I could be lulled to sleep easily. My heart no longer raced in his presence, it was calm. It felt so right.

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