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Slowly the summer was starting to truly take form. Never had I spent a summer out and about. Usually, summers were spent in the air-conditioned rooms Janice and I had deemed worthy of our presence, never truly seeing the outside world as appealing. But this summer, I couldn't quite find the time to entrap myself in the tiny world we had once found was a part of us. My world was expanding, slowly it was starting to make me feel as if things were changing for the better.

"What are you up to today?" Dad says taking a sip from his cuppa tea. The sunlight was burning bright today, casting light upon his curls and making shimmer.

"Oh, not quite sure. Waiting for something to along." I say looking at my phone. Niall had told me he would text later on, it was only nine in the morning anyways.

"Why don't you spend the day with your dad?"

I eye him suspiciously, "Mum gave you chores didn't she."

He smirks, "So bloody clever."

"I didn't get it from you." I say with a smile.

He smiles sadly, "Leigh was the clever one."

"Was she really?"

"Well, she loved me didn't she?"

"That isn't helping your case, dad."

He laughs, "Your mother was the one of the smartest women I have ever met. Leigh was the top of our year, and she always scored higher than me on every bloody test."


He nods, "There was one time she got sent to the headmistress' office because she had corrected a professor in class. Not in a nice way either, might I add."

I laugh, "That sounds like something she would do."


I look at him and notice something had slightly changed, "You still miss her, don't you?"

"Everyday, baby."

"I'm sorry, dad."

"It's a natural thing Ems, I bet you think about her all the time too."

I nod, it wasn't as frequent as when I was little, but I still thought about what she was like and how much of me came from her.

"Yeah, I do."

My phone buzzes, and dad smiles, "Seems like you've got plans today."

Niall: Ready to go?

"Yeah, seems like it."

"I'm happy for you, baby."


He sighs, "It's nice to see you...having a life. Having fun. You just..."

"I just?"

"You seem so different lately." He smiles.


"Yes. And I have to say, I'm happy you're happy, Ems. I hope you always will be." He leans across the table and leaves a kiss upon my forehead. "As for me, I'll be stuck cleaning out the bloody closet. Send my regards to Janice."

My stomach turns guiltily, and I reply, "Will do." As guilty as I may feel, I'd have to suck it up.


"What are we doing today, Niall?" I ask as I lay back comfortably in the passenger seat of his car.

He smiles at me as he continues driving, his hands on the wheel. I look out the window, watching fields pass by. The sun shines brightly still, and the day was warm and very summer-like.

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