T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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The sun was setting quickly and I knew that my phone was bound to ring. I sat in Niall's kitchen, the silence astoundingly awkward compared to before. As I looked across the small kitchen table at Niall, I saw that he shifted uncomfortably before piling some food into his mouth.



"How...have you been?" I could feel myself tensing from sheer nervousness. This was so unlike us.

He swallows and gives me a weary smile, "About as good as I can be. What about you?"

"I haven't seen dad yet..."

"It's only been a day princess, give it some time."

I look up at him, but as soon as we make eye contact he breaks it. He looks back down at his food and starts pushing potatoes around his plate.



"What..." I stop myself. Was this something that I really needed to know? I trusted Niall. I did. I trusted him with my very life. So why is it that I just can't let go of the fact that he had cheated on his wife?



"You can ask me. I know you want to." He flushes, his cheeks being violently attacked by the growing blush.

"I just...is it true?"


My phone starts buzzing and I roll my eyes. Niall clears his throat, clearly indicating that I should answer.

"It's only six thirty." I mumble looking at the caller ID, still not making any kind of indication that I would answer the call.

"Just answer it, Ems."

My hand reaches for the phone hesitantly, and finally it connects me to the voice I had yet to hear today, "Where are you?"

"With Janice."

This time the lie didn't leave me feeling guilty, funnily enough.

"Put her on the line."

"She's in the loo."

"I'll wait."

"Seriously, dad? I'm not putting her on the line. I'm nineteen years old, not ten. I'll be home before it gets late."

"Emma Grace. If you go within five feet of that-"

But I cut him off, pressing end, and look up at Niall, "You were saying?"

"He's really serious about this, Emma."

"I know."

"I'm sorry." He utters, putting his face in his hands. "I'm a fucking poor excuse of a man, princess. I shouldn't be doing this. You deserve so much better."

"What?" My voice quivers, afraid that he would break his resolve before I broke mine.

"Princess, why me? Why do you love me? What have I done to deserve you?"

"Seriously Niall? What have you done?"

He looks at me silently, waiting for me to continue. Urging me to say something that would alleviate the pain he had within.

I get up and walk around the table, sit upon his lap, and wrap my arms around him.

"You are my person." I kiss his cheek. "You have taught me everything I know." I kiss his other cheek. "You have helped make me into who I am today." I kiss his forehead. And finally, I looked straight into his eyes, "You are the reason I have survived the toughest years of my life." And kiss his soft, warm lips.

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