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"Emma! Emma!"

I slowly open my eyes, sighing loudly as I feel someone shaking me awake.


"What!" I snap, sitting up and looking right into Janice's face. "What! What do you want!?"

"Why did you do that!?"

I think back to last night, how Niall tried to lift me into the bloody car, and the look on his face as I walked away with that wanker Lucas.

"I was mad!"

"That's not an excuse!"

"I know." I mumble.

"Then what are you going to do about it?"

I turn to look at my clock and nearly pop a vessel, "Who in the bloody hell let you into this house at seven in the morning!"

"Your dad."

"Dad's up already?"

"...Niall...may be...over...." She says slowly.

"What!?" I get up quickly, running around my room grabbing clothes and brushing my hair in front of my mirror. "Why is he here!?"

"Emma, Seriously? You ran off with Lucas, we didn't even know if you got home safe because you didn't have the decency to call either of us." She says it in that infuriatingly rational tone, and I resist kicking her out of my room.


"What do you mean we." I say turning away from my mirror and facing her.

"Really?" She says rolling her eyes, "We were worried. We didn't know if you came home safe."

I look at her from top to bottom, she couldn't have spent all night with Niall. She was wearing different clothes and it looked as if she had slept.

She sighs loudly, already knowing what thoughts were running rampant in my mind, "I went home, Emma. He dropped me off last night and picked me up on his way here.:

"Okay." I breathe in relief, turning back to the mirror and picking up mascara. "Did Niall say anything to you?"

Her lips fall into a frown, "Nothing."

"Not a word?"

"Not a word."

Niall was not the type to keep his emotions silent. When something infuriated him or made him unbelievably happy, everyone within a two mile radius would know.

So what could this silence mean?

"You should go downstairs." Janice says pointing towards the door.

I put down the makeup and take a deep breath before stepping towards its direction, "Yeah, I should."


For the first time dad and Niall were not speaking loud enough for me to conveniently overhear from my perch on the wooden staircase. All that could be heard, in fact, were low murmur. Not a single word could be made out.

My hands tremble as I hold onto the railing, I'm not quite sure what is going to happen.

I feel Janice's small hand upon my back, gently pushing me forward, "It'll be okay." She whispers.

"And if it's not?"

"Then I'll be here waiting for you."

I smile wearily to myself before taking a deep breath and stepping forward off the final step.

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