T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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I turn to look at Niall, as I wipe down the island. He mops the kitchen floor, and in a few motions, he's managed to rid it of its reddish tinge.

Mum had gone upstairs, feigning a headache. She hadn't even bothered to see that Niall left, quite honestly she didn't care. She didn't even have the will to argue anymore.

"I don't think you should have said that..." He says placing the mop against the door of the pantry and looking at me.

"I didn't mean it." I say pathetically.

"Princess, words hurt a lot more than we think they do."

"I know but..." I sigh loudly, there was no justification for what I had said.

I look down at my jumper and sigh loudly, it was stained immensely at the bottom by the pocket. I take it off and stand in my white tank top near the sink, soaking it in water. I grab a sponge and dot with soap and begin to scrub at the stain. I start slowly, scrubbing one certain splotch. It doesn't fade, as much as I scrub it doesn't fade at all. I continue to scrub more furiously, my fingers turning red. But still, it wouldn't come out.

"Leave it alone, princess." Niall says in an exhale.

"This is my favorite jumper." I mutter.

"Ems, just leave it for now, yeah?"

I soak it with more water and soap and leave it in the sink. Niall furrow his brow, but says nothing.

"When's Harry coming home?"

I shrug, knowing it would be soon.


"Hmmm." I sit down once more at now clean island, waiting for Niall to sit across from me.

"Are you okay?"

I shake my head, "I'm not."

"Will you be?"

"I hope so." I whisper.

He grabs my hand from across the counter and smiles wearily, "It'll all turn up, princess. Just..."

He tilts his head, hearing the door opening noisily and footsteps running through the hall. He undoes his hand from mine and acts as if we had simply been having a chat.

"Emmie!" Ollie says running towards me with open arms.

I put on my best face and open my own arms to receive him, "Ollie, how has my little bugger been?" I wrap my arms around him tightly, and end up speaking into his hair.

"Hey, mate." Dad says stepping into the kitchen and patting Niall on the back.

Louis follows, smirking and shaking his head, "Heard you went on a road trip." He mutters.

"Yep." I unwrapping myself from Ollie and adjusting myself upon the stool.

"How was it, baby?" Dad comes towards me and wraps me in his warm embrace, kissing the top of my head. I sigh into his chest guiltily.

"Great, Janice got lost on the way though."

"Typical Janice." Dad replies with a wistful smile. "Where's mum?"

"Oh, she had a headache..."

He spots the empty wine bottle upon the counter and shakes his head, "Got into the wine did she? What happened this time?"

"Oh, well..."

"Had a bit of a spat?"

I nod my head.

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