Chapter 16

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This is so dumb why are you still doing it.

Because its rude to tell someone to stop talking.


"So what do you think? It was obviously wrong, right?" Matt asked.

What was he talking about.

I was too bored, didn't listen.

Great, how helpful.

"Yeah obviously, genuinely it was very wrong." I said giving him a smile and shaking my head.

I was saved from more of boring talk of Matt gloating about how fabulous he is in basketball as the teacher walked in.

Psst. Psst.

What now?

I think Matt like you.

Wow. I knew physics was bad but I didn't know it would cause mental instability.

Oh shut it. I thought it would be nice to give you a heads up but nah you like to be a bitch.

Why would you think he likes me?

Read the signs. He made that other kid move away so he could come sit next to you.

Oh God what a big deal he made a kid move away, he is so in love with me. You are such a smartass tell me when is he gonna ask me to marry him?


You want me to be nice when you do dumb talk like that.

Ughhhh but he do, the way he talks I can see it, call it a girl intuition but trust me he do. He keeps on talking to you every chance he gets.

I don't know, maybe. Who knows and also I am way too fabulous for anyone to not like me.

Yeah that I know but your face gets in the way and scare everyone away.

Two seconds. I will give you two seconds to shut up and go hide in the dark.



"Jesus Christ Nyla you will break my shoulder putting all your weight on it." Laura finally snapped having enough of me leaning on her from the morning.

"Why did you wore them if you can't be in them all day?" Bree asked eyeing my heels.

"It is not like I cannot walk in them I don't know why but today they are scraping the back of my ankle it hurts." I said folding my arms.

"Wanna change with me? You can have my sneakers." Bree offered.

"I want to but I just can't that Jerkface is way too tall I look like a baby when I stand beside him and we gotta work today so I will stick to these." I said and starts looking around when my eyes fall on that beautiful brunette from yesterday.

"Here, Bree who would that beautiful maiden be." I asked pointing at the girl.

"Natalie Blake. She is gorgeous ain't she." Laura replied and I nodded.

"She is the captain of the dance team. And the girl beside her, Olivia Walker is cheerleaders captain. They always stick together." Bree explained.

"If I was a dude I would totally bang those two." I said laughing.

As we three were joking around those two made their way towards us probably cause they saw us looking at them.

"Hey Aubree, laura and you must the new girl." Olivia said.

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