Chapter 6: Brunch

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Having sat through an awkward quiet moment, the two women finally broke the silence. "I made you both some brunch." Lain said.

"You mean we, babe. We made you both some brunch." Nina corrected chuckling as the women stood up, while the two girls stayed seated.

Sighing Lain gestured for her wife to go get their plates made while she handled this situation. Kneeling down in front of the girls she looked at both of them.

Seeing how she kneeled to meet eyesight with them did something to Kaila's stomach. She felt her stomach tingle in a way. Slowly her gaze let up meeting the woman's eyes. "I know you both are adjusting, and trust me I know Nina and I can seem like a little much at times, but you don't have to worry here. Whatever it is they did to you both in that place isn't going to happen here. That I can promise you."

Playing with the tips of her fingers Lauren could feel her hands getting cold. "Why'd you buy us?" She asked as she looked up.

While the women seemed fun and spontaneous, that question still lingered on the girls mind. The answers she had gotten in their entire discussion from earlier hadn't answered the one thing she wanted to know the most.

Taking a deep breathe, Lain placed a hand on both girls knees as she looked closely at them. "To make a long story short, Nina knew someone who used to work for a rather shady company back in college and he mentioned auctions being held around the outside of town. And after some long thinking we thought we would go check it out."

Grabbing hold of each individual girls hand she stood them up with her.

"I know it's going to be hard to believe me when I say you won't have to worry, but at least try. Nina and I just wanted to help get two of you girls out of that situation and make you feel welcomed in our home. We don't want you to think you're trapped here either, if you decide you don't want to stay with us then the doors open for you to leave. Just know your always welcome here. Nina and I love the company."

She squeezed their hands tighter as she rubbed her thumbs over the back of their hands.

"Now who wants to get some food." She said excitedly lifting their hands in a cheerful manner.

Continuing to stand without moving neither girl answered. They were like a statue in the woman's touch. Lain stood up fully looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

They were stood in just about the exact same pose. With their free hands down at their sides and their body's held high, their eyes stayed glued to the floor. It was scary how identical the two girls looked. If they were wearing the same outfit and had the same features they would've looked like twins.

"Well I'm hungry and want some brunch. So let's go." She dragged their hands behind her as she lead them into the dinning room where Nina had their plates neatly laid out for them. Standing the girls in front of their seats the women were concerned as they simply stood behind the chair just looking at the table in front of them.

"You girls can sit down." Nina said as the two women took their seats at the end of the table as they gave one another a confused glare.

Observing how the girls moved almost identically they got into their seats with their hands both in their laps. Almost as if waiting for a command they sat staring down at the plates in front of them. With a full meal just waiting for them they didn't touch it.

Seeing the eager look on the girls faces the two women cleared their throats hoping that the girls would look up at least, but they didn't. Instead their eyes were hung down as they stared undisturbed at the table.

While it was just your typical plate of spaghetti the girls stared at it for two reasons. One from the behavioral classes the facility had set each girl though throughout the duration of their time there. And two, the plate was sectioned off into categories like a child's plate.

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