Chapter 22: Decisions

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After the girls finished loading the pile of goodies back into the boxes, Lain and Nina had been running up and down the stairs grabbing all of the girls belongings and taking it to their rooms.

It seemed like more than half of the day had passed by the time they finished bringing everything up. "Who's idea was it again for us to take the boxes downstairs for them to open?" Nina groaned as she dropped the final box of messily packed goods.

Lain laughed as she sat at the top after having taken up her final box. "Yours babe. It was your idea to let them open it downstairs."

Nina gasped for air as she dropped her box to the floor. Putting her hands on her hips she looked down at her wife disappointingly. "Why didn't you tell me it was a bad idea?!"

"I did tell you that it was a bad idea babe. You just didn't listen to me." Lain crossed her arms eyeing her wife.

"Still you should've done something?! How was I suppose to know that repacking over twenty boxes and taking them all upstairs was going to take up all evening?!"

Lain chuckled as she stood kissing her wife's soft lips. "If you weren't so stubborn you would've listened to any the ten times I told you to leave the boxes in our room."

Sighing Nina collapsed down onto the floor taking a long needed break. Meanwhile, Lain rolled her eyes after kissing her wife's forehead.

Letting her get all of her proper rest, Lain walked back downstairs where the girls had been watching their cartoons. The entire time Kaila hadn't let go of her Aladdin cup, and while the cartoons were keeping Lauren occupied, her attention wasn't all completely tied to the screen.

"Who wants to decorate their room first?" Lain asked standing in front of them.

The girls looked between one another silently trying to avoid making the decision themselves. Too much responsibility was held in that one question. What if they chose the wrong person to go first? Or what kind of things would they be responsible for because it was their decision?

The pressure was too intense. Decided neither of them wanted to hold that burden of choosing, they just sat staring at one another not saying a word.

The amount of times either women asked the girls a questions and they blankly stared at one another not answering was too frequent for comfort.

Standing closer to them Lain grabbed both of their hands. "You girls need to learn how to make a decision." She smirked while the girls pouted upset that they disappointed the woman in front of them.

Not wanting them to feel upset she held their hands gently. "All I'm saying is that if you keep making Nina or I pick for you, we're not going to always get it perfect. We can't read your minds. We don't know what you girls like and dislike yet, and we don't want to pick anything wrong. I know this is a small decision to make, but later on we may ask you for something bigger, or more important." She said softly.

"Now I'm going to ask you again, who wants to decorate their room first?" After waiting for merely a few seconds Lain was proud to see Kaila's other hand timidly go up.

Smiling wide she cheered for her. "Don't be so nervous Kaila. Be confident in your decision! There was no wrong answer."

Thinking back on Lain's words, Kaila nodded.

She lead the other girl back to the couch kneeling in front of her. "I'll come and get you when it's your turn Lauren." The little girl left on the seat nodded as the colorful pictures moving on the screen took over her partial attention yet again.

Taking the other girls hands, Lain and Kaila walked up the stairs seeing Nina still passed out on the floor. Kaila looked up at Lain concerned for the woman but Lain just brushed her off.

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