Chapter 17 - A melancholic melody

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"The piano keys are black and white but they sound like a million colors in your mind."


One month later...

Lilly's POV

One month has passed since that day.

The day I had my heart broken for the first time. The day I lost someone so dear to me, and the day I cried my eyes out for the last time.

I didn't shed a single tear after that day. I didn't give myself the chance to break down. I gathered myself and moved on, lived each day, one at a time.

Everyone tells me that I've changed. Even my parents have noticed it. I focused only on my exams and classes. I started preparing for university, searching for the suitable options and checking every oppurtunity presented. True, more than a whole year still seperates me from that part of my life, but I want to be ready, I want to have the next years of my life all planned out.

I haven't talked with Chase at all after that day. I haven't stepped into their house, I always made excuses so I wouldn't accompany my parents. He never came back to our place either, I am beyond grateful for that.

We no longer hang out, neither at school nor outside it. I've distanced myself from the whole group, especially from him and Aylin. Zack still eats lunch with us sometimes, he uses every chance there is to get closer to me, but I think I made it obvious to him that I am not interested, anymore.

He is really stubborn, though.

Conner also rarely sits with us, he took a break from everyone else just like me. I've noticed how Chase have stopped hanging with both of them. He stays with another group of guys from the soccer team. It still stings a bit, it bothers me that I ruined his relationship with his cousin.

As for Conner, I think it has something to do with Aylin; Well, that's on Chase.

As for Aylin, I try my best to avoid her because everytime I see her and she talks with me, I just remember what happened, I just keep imagining one of my best friends kissing and touching the guy I've...

Well, it doesn't matter anymore.

I know that I still need more time to finally accept what happened. I will, eventually.

For now, I have my classes, my family and Sally. That's all I care about for the time being.

"Jesus, Lilly!" Dad said, more like screamed, pulling me back to the present. My eyes widened and I immediately pressed my feet over the brakes, halting to a sudden stop just seconds before I was going to crash into the car ahead of us.

My heart raced in my chest and adrenaline pumped into my blood. Zoning out, yeah I've been doing a lot of that lately. I turned to dad, who rubbed at his chest, "God, I am too young and hot to die right now," He mumbled to himself before he turned to me, "Park the car aside, that's enough lessons for today."

After my little breakdown one month ago, dad made his mission to cheer me up, he accepts almost everything I ask for, for sure driving my mom crazy on the way. Per my request, he started giving me driving lessons and he said once I get my licence and he's sure I am capable of driving without killing myself or anyone else, I'll get my first car. Yay.

See, life could still be good without having Chase in it.

We switched seats after my almost accident and he drove us back. I noticed him take another turn and my eyes widened, "We're not going home?"

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