Chapter 2: Departure

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Lily ~
"I really can't believe we can't just stop at one place to get some snacks. I just wanted like two chocolate frogs and I heard they have this new muggle thing called chicken on a stick!"

I was already annoyed that I agreed to go with Pansy to the train station. We would soon be getting on the train that would take us back to my home, Hogwarts.

"Every time we stop, I end up leaving something important and I can't afford to leave anything this year!" Pansy was laughing as we remembered she left her owl at the station last year before we got onto the train. She is so stupid sometimes. I turned my head towards her laughing and rolling my eyes.

"Oh shit by the way... look over near the back of the train." Pansy was eyeing someone but I couldn't see who she was talking about from the heaps of people flooding in and out of the station.

Then I saw exactly who she was talking about. Malfoy.

"Oh god Panz you really need to set your priorities straight. He's just a dumbass with some badly bleached hair." I couldn't help but smile when I said this. I really do think Malfoy bleaches his hair. I saw a bottle of purple shampoo in his shower one time. The kind for COLORED hair.

"Geez Lily he's just so romantic like look!" Pansy exclaimed quiet loudly.

Malfoy was leaning over, because his dad was whispering in his ear. He looks confused then nodded in agreement with whatever his dad said.

"Honestly, I think Lucius is more attractive. Narcissa got herself a good one. Like damn." I had always had more of a liking to Draco's dad. He's came to my birthday parties every year since I was like five or something.

I leaned over to grab something out of my trunk just when I heard footsteps approaching. I whipped my head up and saw no other than Mr. Malfoy himself.

"Morning Lily," he said glancing over at Pansy before kindly greeting her too.

"I had a feeling I would run into you guys before the train departed." His eyes were going down my body as they shifted back up to meet my eyes. God he was so beautiful.

"Of course, and where did Draco say he was sitting?" Pansy said, seeming like she was about to sprint to wherever he was.

"Yes... he's sitting towards the back. Didn't really see where he exactly went." He followed Pansy with his eyes until she crossed over his shoulder, practically jogging towards the back of the train.

"Well I guess I better be going, don't want to get left here with the muggles." I could feel my cheeks burning and I hoped it wasn't visually noticeable to Lucius.

"I expect to see you at the manor sometime this year Ms. Avery. I would tell you to extend the invite to your father, but I see no need." Lucius turned towards Narcissa who was coming around him to leave the station.

I felt hot blood boiling up inside me. How dare he even speak of my father! My cheeks were turning red, and not for the reason before. I could've slapped him right across the face. I grabbed my luggage and shoved past him making sure to turn around.

"Thanks for the invitation, but I would rather not." I managed to say before I could slip up and really get myself in trouble. God the audacity! I could tell he didn't hear me as there was no reaction from him or Narcissa. Probably for the better.

Now I was shoving my trunk into the last little compartment space I could see. I jumped up and walked over to the entrance of the train and saw Potter standing there as if he was surprised to see me.

"Hey Potter." I cooly said, still furious about what had just happened.

"Um hey Lily, I was just wondering if you've seen Malfoy around here. Erm- it's okay if you haven't I see you haven't sat down yet. Uh sorry." He shoved himself through the other door before I could even answer. Weird? Why would he want to see Draco? Oh well.

The train started moving and I could see the people dispersing through the station. I sighed and walked over to the cabin with Draco, Pansy, and Zabini.

"You know they're doing a match this year? Heard from an exclusive interview with Krum."  Zabini looked proud of himself for mentioning the name Krum. He's very famous and talented I can agree, but god he's not hot whatsoever.

Draco inched himself away from Pansy every time we hit a bump. I kept grinning up and him and he returned the smile. As much as I cared for Pansy, she was really annoying.

"Can't wait to see him in person oh my god he's gonna be so hot!" Pansy really needed a life. She is boy crazy and sleeps around with anyone who will give her two minutes of attention.

"Shut up Pansy he's not as good as me." Draco glared looking disgusted at Pansy's bold statement.

"Oh wait, you play? Totally forgot I never see you in the games!" I jokingly teased Draco.

We had been teasing each other since first year and honestly half the time it ended up in us just laughing at each other.

His blue eyes shot at me, and I could see a grin starting to form.

"Oh yeah, I never see you coming out to watch me baby. Guess I might've missed you when I was looking for that little gold snitch." Draco smirked.

"Look Malfoy I would never come to a game to watch you creep around looking for a little ball the size of your dick. I have better people to watch." I grabbed a piece of bubblegum off the side of the trolley as it passed by, but the lady didn't notice.

"If you saw it you wouldn't be saying that sweetheart." He glanced me up and down. "Maybe we can arrange for that to happen though." He winked when his trailing eyes met mine. I could start to feel the same blush I felt earlier and quickly looked out the window.

"Oh look guys a dementor!" I screamed, using this opportunity to shoot up and walk to the bathroom to hide my flushed look.

"Hey- there's no dementors!!" I could hear Pansy's annoying ass voice from down the hall.

I sit in there for a little bit splashing water onto my face. I got out when I heard the train start squealing to a stop.

I walked back into the cabin to see Zabini and Malfoy had left and I was stuck with Pansy.

"The boys left to go get their bags, but you took so long we're gonna have to go up to the school by ourselves."

Yay I thought. This will be so much fun. Me, Pansy, and a long carriage ride up the hill to Hogwarts.

Those Grey Blue Eyes // draco malfoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora