Chapter 30- Potter

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No... this can't be it. Please tell me it's not over.

Harry rubbed my cheek and gave me a sympathetic embrace. When I could finally manage to speak, I asked him where they were going.

"Oh Harry wanted to visit Hagrid!" Ron said, very clearly relieved I had gathered myself.

"Oh yes, Hermoine said she would be waiting for us. He has a couple of plant books I would like to read before the um... games." I nodded in agreement to follow them down to Hagrid's even though I could give a shit less about their situation.

As we walked out of the castle, my legs began to regain their normal strength and my eyes were becoming more clear. Chained up next to the hut was a creature with some resemblance to a dragon. I turned to Ron and Harry and they both shrugged it off before knocking three times on the door. A couple of footsteps were heard outside the door and then it abruptly flung open. Hagrid was obnoxiously tall and towered over us like a gigantic tree. He waved ya in before pausing a moment to stare at me.

"Avery? What's this all about? I don't reckon I've ever seen you come down this way." He kept staring down at me with wide and confused eyes.

"Just a change of scenery I guess." I shoved past him and made my way inside. The anger was starting to set in. How come it's me who has to deal with this bullshit. It's not fair. I'm not even a good candidate for the Death Eaters, and it's not like I had any real say so in my fate. Same for Draco.

Hermoine saw me and her eyes widened. She farted her eyes at the floor when I made eye contact with her. She looked over at Harry and Ron for some type of explanation. I sat down in a chair at the table and leaned back.

"I'm- going to explain later" Harry breathed out.

"You don't look to happy Avery." Hagrid sat down next to me.

"I'm not." I glared at him, as if he didn't know my dilemma. It's not hard to guess.

Hermoine took a sharp breath in and then plopped a book on the table.

"So Harry I've been reading and-" Hermoine started rambling about some plant called gillyweed. I kind of tuned the conversation out as they discussed the risk of Harry dying or whatever. Finally I actually had something to add to the conversation.

"Why would Harry need gillyweed, doesn't that like give you gills or something." They all looked at me nervously.

"Cedric told me a little about the next contest." Harry looked over at me.

"He'll need this in order to win" Hermoine added.

I glared at her and played with the string on Draco's sweater. I could feel eyes on me about twenty minutes after I zoned out. I looked up to see them all staring at me.

"What brings you here?" Hagrid asked again.

"Ridiculous reasons." I said trying not to give away Voldemort's plans.

Remembering Voldemort's plans for me to get close to Harry made my stomach turn. I liked Harry I guess, but he was not my favorite kid ever. He's always getting away with things no one else could think about doing. Everyone paints him as a hero, when really people are basically handing him opportunities to be one. I leaned over and saw a shiny object poking out from Hermoine's pocket. She saw me staring at it and tucked in farther down. I couldn't hardly stand to be there any longer, and I knew Hagrid would start asking questions.

"I can't be around Draco anymore, Lucius." I blurted out. It was a lie, but it was believable. Hagrid laughed.

"Oh of course! With Malfoy's attitude he should be thankful he picked a beautiful girl such as you!" I blushed when Hagrid said this. Trying not to spill anymore information I stood up from my chair.

"Well I guess we're about to leave, thank you again." Harry gushed to Hermoine. God, if I was going to make any progress with him, I couldn't have him making googley eyes at her. Not thinking I wrapped my arms around Harry's and headed to the door.

"I'll catch up, I'm going to stay a bit." Ron called out to us. Great. Alone time with Harry.

As I shut the door and we were walking up to the castle, I was plotting what would make Harry notice me. Finally I worked up the courage to say what I had to say.

"Harry. Look. I-" I pulled him towards me and began my speech, if you will.

"I just wanted to say, I thought what you did in the chamber was really brave. I would've been stuck down there had it not been for you. You saved me." Oh yes Lily, boost him up.

"Really- um... you know.. I couldn't leave a pretty girl like you." He was blushing. I knew I had got in there somewhere.

"Hey, I was wondering, should we go to the great hall together?" I was hoping he would say no, but of course he said yes.

We started walking to the hall when I saw Draco standing by the door. He was about to walk in with Blaise and Pansy when we made eye contact. My arm has been linked with Potter's and the guilt shot on to my face. He looked at me with such disgust and disappointment, but it was quickly molded into sadness. I gave him a weak smile and sat down at the Gryfindor table.

Harry leaned over to me, "So, I was wondering... um.. Lily, would you be my guest at the Yule Ball?"

My heart dropped.

Those Grey Blue Eyes // draco malfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang