Chapter 15- Reasons

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As she walked away I felt my fist curl up. She disobeyed me? Maybe this relationship thing really isn't for me... I swallowed hard and headed towards the practice field for our afternoon meet.

As I walked closer to the field, I heard the loud conversation die down to hushed whispers. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my broom to join the group.

Everyone stopped talking when I got in the circle. Are they really that mad?

"You would've done it too.." I mumbled loud enough so everyone could hear it.

Flint came to my face just a foot in front of my body, "you should go Malfoy."

I clenched my broom until my knuckles turned white and took a deep breath in, "oh how the roles have reversed."

He looked up at me and ripped the broom out of my clammy hands. He glared at me.

"You're suspended from next week's game anyways. You really cost us a lot of points Malfoy. I get what he did was wrong, but did you really have to go at him like that?" He was holding my broom and rubbing his knuckles, his were just as bruised as mine. I started to speak when he cut me off.

"Those Durmstrang boys put us all on a hit list and if you would've just taken care of Avery and not did what you did, this morning wouldn't have happened." He was looking at the team for approval of his words. A couple of slow nods started. I gave him a disgusted face and pulled his shoulder close to me to turn him around from the group.

"You're telling me, if someone had purposely did that to Pansy, you wouldn't have reacted the same way," my voice was quiet as I didn't want the other guys knowing Flint was sweet on Pansy.

He looked up in my eyes and stayed there for a bit. "I guess you're right..." he breathed out, realizing why I did what I did.

He turned around, "Hey look.. no one knew what was going to happen this morning and that's the price us Slytherins have to pay when protecting one of our own. Suck it up and let's practice."

His voiced boomed through the field and he threw my broom at me. Zabini came up behind me and patted my back, "it's cool, I would've done it if I got the chance."

We began practicing together.


Where are they? They're always in the library doing something.. I was rushing down the halls when I ran into Neville Longbottom.

"Uh- um.. I'm sorry please don't hurt me," Neville was picking up his stuff frantically while looking up at me fearfully.

"Neville I'm not going to hurt you. But I need to ask a favor." I leaned over and lazily picked up a book.

He stood up to face me. I placed the book in his stack. He took a couple of steps back and then paused. "Um sure?"

"Can you tell me what happened this morning in the Great Hall? I overslept and missed it." I stared intensely into his blue eyes.

"Oh? Yeah well Malfoy came in late and one of Durmstrang boys walked over to him and punched him in the face. Then like all of the sudden a brawl between the Slytherins and the Durmstrang boys happened. They were yelling something about a Ravenclaw boy? I don't know really that's all I saw." Neville said.

My mouth dropped open and I zoned out. Was that at the game I had been knocked out at? I guess I never did ask Draco what happened right after...

"Were you at the game?" I remembered Neville was standing right there.

"Uh no, but I know Millicent was." He started looking nervous again.

"Oh okay.." I was still staring at nothing. It's like nothing was in my mind. I turned to walk past Neville and his eyes followed me until I turned the corner. I was speed walking toward the Slytherin common room. I had a confused, hazy stare on my face as I kept walking. I passed almost everyone in the school it seemed like when I got to our portrait.

"Pure blood," I whispered into the painting. It creeped open and I stepped inside, my eyes scanning the room for Millicent. She was sitting by the window with two other girls a year below us. They were eating licorice and gossiping about who knows what. I marched up to her and grabbed a licorice. I sat down on the edge of the table.

"So... what happened after I got hit?" I said, not remembering she had no clue what I was talking about.

"Avery what're you talking about? The game?" She asked.

"Yes after I fell, what happened?" I got in her face.

"First, you're getting me more licorice. Second, you fell and Dumbledore said the game was over, Ravenclaw got disqualified, and Draco beat the bloody hell out of the Ravenclaw kid." She seemed preoccupied with her snacks.

"Draco did what?" I was looking out the window down at the courtyard.

"He's suspended from next week's game for beating the Ravenclaw kid. The one who cursed the bludger.. the one that hit you." She had a tint of annoyance in her voice, like telling the story was boring her.

"Cool.. thanks," I whipped past her and started back to the practice field.

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