Chapter 26- Chamber

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"Sir! Who else could've opened up the chamber besides Harry Potter!" I was fuming, he is always covering for Potter's stupidity.

"Draco, Harry said he did not open it and I believe him. It had to have been Lily." He grabbed a memory out of a cabinet and flashed it at me.

"I remember seeing them walking towards Hagrid's" he said as if he had proved anything.

"Professor Dumbledore! Lily doesn't know how to open it and I will not sit here and be told that she did!" My heart keep racing faster and faster.

Just then Snape burst in the room, "Albus, we know it was Lily. A girl walked by and saw her with some boy."

A boy? Who would she be sneaking around with?

I looked back at Dumbledore and his eyes grew wide. He placed the vile back in the cabinet and reached forward at me.

"Are you working with the dark lord?!" He was getting angry as he searched for answers in my eyes.

"No! Why would that have anything to do with it!" Then it dawned on me.... Tom Riddle. She was with Tom Riddle.

Dumbledore stared at me for a moment and then let go of my clenched shoulders. He rubbed his robes then went with Snape out of the office. I got up and started walking out when I noticed something on Dumbledore's desk. It was a journal with a large tooth in it. The journal looked old and roughed up and I can't imagine the beast that left behind such a large tooth. I shrugged and then headed back to my dorm.

"I can't believe he is taking her already... what if he hurts her?.... what will he do if I try to find her?" I kept whispering these things to myself as I walked back to the dormitory.

Blaise, Pansy, and Flint came up to me as soon as I walked in.

"Where is she!"

"People are saying she opened the chamber!"

"She's probably dead by now"

"Enough! She did not open the chamber, she was taken down there by someone! I just don't know who." I scoffed at them and started towards the stairs again.

"You're just going to let her die down there." Pansy yelled after me.

"I don't have a choice, how am I supposed to open it." The words were fake as I knew what was going on, but they still hurt to say.

"Make Harry open it!" She grabbed my robe.

I got pulled really close to her face and she started smiling up at me.

"Unless... you don't want her to come back." She reached down and grabbed my belt.

"Piss off Pansy!" I shoved her down the edge of the stairs and went up to my room before tears started falling down my face. I can't believe Lily is trapped alone with Voldemort. Who knows what she's doing with him. What if she likes him better than me? What if he kills her? What if I never see her again?

I turned the key to my room and fell on to my bed. Tears started running down my cheeks and into my neck. I rolled over and wrapped the covers around me to muffle the sounds of my cries. The room grew colder, the lights grew darker, and the air grew thicker. I felt like the walls were closing in and I was going to be smushed into a hole for the rest of my life.

A knock on the door shook me and I wiped my eyes and put on my usually glare before opening the door. I was shocked to see Harry and Ron standing there.

"Draco, before you say anything... are your eyes red?" Harry got closer to my face.

"What's it to you?" I scoffed leaning my hand on the door frame, trying to act tough.

"Anyways, I can open the chamber. I can save Lily." He was already jumping at the chance to crawl back in there with Voldemort.

"You can't." I said before realizing I probably shouldn't tell them.

"Why not? I've done it before." He said sounding arrogantly cocky.

"Rid- she has to prove she can get out on her own." I almost told them Riddle was back.

Harry wasn't buying it and stared at me. Ron looked uncomfortable at the sight of me.

"Malfoy... it's not Riddle is it?" He clutched his hand and stared into my eyes.

"Who?" I said.

"Harry, he obviously doesn't care about her as much as we thought, we should just leave." Ron started turning away but before I could even control myself my fist went across his face.

"I care about her just as much as anybody in this bloody place! I want her more than you two!" I could feel the tears already hitting the ground. I couldn't control myself anymore. Ron grabbed his face while Harry stood him up.

"Why can't we get her!" Harry was yelling at this point. I grabbed both of their collars before ripping them into my room. I turned around and slammed the door. They were both standing there like a bunch of idiots.

"It is Riddle." I said waiting for a response.

"Then we leave now." Harry was already heading for the door again when I pushed him back.

"He will kill her." The words burst through the tension in the room.

Harry backed up and stared at me. Ron was frozen looking down at the floor.

"How do you know?" Ron said.

"He told me." My feet were stuck to the ground and my hands were clenched by my side.

"We have to wait. Lily knows what she's doing." I finally split the air when I sat on my bed. I put my elbows on my knees and bent over. I felt like I couldn't stand anymore. My head fell as Harry and Ron stood in front of me.

"Draco... how did he tell you?" Harry bent down to face me again.

"A dream. I woke up and she was gone. I could be killed for telling you this. I could really be killed. She could too." I mumbled.

"I guess... I guess we'll listen then." He rose up.

"When have you ever listened?" I scolded him.

"I was only kidding, I'm still going. He said you couldn't interfere, not me. He wants me." Harry said.

"Bring her back to me." I rubbed my eyes that were fresh with new tears. Harry rushed towards the door and Ron followed.

I turned to them one more time before they got out the door, "I need her here."

They left and with that, I might have just killed the only person I have ever loved.

Those Grey Blue Eyes // draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now