Chapter 5- Daddy

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Draco ~
It's literally 1am who is texting me? God... must be someone with no life. I turned over knocking over half the things on my nightstand. "Fuck" I groaned out. The light shone on my face as bright as the sun.

*1 message from Lily*

why? I'm not mad at all... kinda excited almost.

Lily: hey can you meet me in the common room?
Draco: uh yea why it's 1am
Lily: oh right.. nvm it's okay
Draco: I'm coming

The common room? I was thinking more the bedroom ya know. Well actually I would rather puke than look at Pansy right now. Common room sounds better.

I stumbled down the stairs and lazily looked around the room scanning for her shiny hair. I instantly saw it as the fire from the fireplace shone off of it like water on a clear lake.

I rolled my body to lay down on the couch next to her. She was curled up in an armchair and picking her nails. I knew she did that when she was nervous or thinking about something bad. I straightened up a little bit.

"Yes my queen." I said in a raspy voice that shocked even myself.

Her eyes finally met mine when I saw she had been crying. My whole demeanor changed. I was getting up when she leaned up out of her armchair. I opened my arms not thinking about it as she crashed her head into my chest. She never cried. Like ever. I was wondering what had made her so upset that she had to call me of people to come down here.

She looked up at me, those green eyes almost popping out of her head as she looked for my pupils. Through strained words she said, "My dad finally wrote me.."

My heart dropped. I knew all about her dad. How he was a death eater who had turned his back on you-know-who. How he got put in prison. How he was a coward. I knew how much Lily's dad had meant to her, even though she had only seen him for a few short years of her life. She was embarrassed that people talked about him in such ways. She still loved him and looked up to him. She told me before how she always wrote to him and how he had never wrote back. Years. It has been years. He never wrote. I felt so bad for her, even though I had never said anything about it.

I grabbed her chin to look up at me. "What did he say back?"

Her eyes filled with pools of salty tears again. She could barely choke out a word. I brush her hair with my fingers, making sure not to get my rings caught in her hair. "It's okay Lily, take your time."

She breathed in pulling back so that my arms were still around her but she could look up at me in full view.

"He told me to never write to him again. He said- he said he never read-never read anything anyways." Her sentence turned into a whisper towards the end.

"Lily...." that's all I could manage to say before she buried her head in my neck to cry. Her soft cries carried through my ears and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My body filled with anger. How could such a coward tell his own daughter- his own blood- to never talk to him again. After years of nothing. No owls. No letters. No communication at all. It's sick. He really is a coward. My fist started shaking against her body. My blood boiled and my vision started going blurry. How could you hate Lily? There is nothing about her to hate.

Lily picked her head up and looked at me. Her face was covered in spit and tears from such hard crying. I grabbed her waist and pulled my lips close to her ear.

"Do you wanna sleep with me?" It rolled off my tongue and she looked up with a face of fear.

"Not like that Lil.. I just want you to be safe and get some sleep." I said.

"I really want to, but what if we get caught?" She said through a cracked voice.

"Don't worry about it baby." I hadn't even realize I had said baby until I was already holding her arm as we walked up the stairs. Has a nice ring.

I tucked her into my bed as I took Zabini's empty bed. He had stayed the night with Flint so they could watch a quidditch game. Thankfully.

"Goodnight Lily.." I whispered as I rolled over in my sleep.

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