Chapter 24- Hiss

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It's dark. It's very dark. Where am I? It's so cold.

I opened my eyes and saw a dark marble floor beneath me. I sat up and wiped my eyes, a green glow covered the scene. Tall  black marble statues littered the room. Smoke was coming out of a snakes mouth across the room. As I looked down for my wand I could feel my hands shaking. When I turned to face the mouth again, a figure starting strolling out. I pointed my wand directly at it and screamed.

"Stay there." I said sternly.

Ignoring me the figure out his hands up and still slowly walked towards me. His face came into the light and I slowly pulled my wand down. It was Tom Riddle.

"Draco.... you should know not to mess with your superiors." He laughed.

"Got that one from you, so witty" He came closer to me and dragged his finger across my face.

"Why am I here?" I said still trying to act tough in my voice.

"Lily... she gave something of mine to Potter. Harry Potter. You do know what I'm speaking of?" He leaned down in front of my face, just inches from me.

"Yes sir." I looked down to escape his stare.

"You weren't too fond of her getting close to him..." He hissed at me.

I sat in silence. I didn't want him to point Lily out as a weakness.

"Do not distract her Draco." He got up.

"Distract her from what." I got up and brushed the dust off my pants.

"Malfoy, you know what both of your futures hold. Don't you?" He pulled up his arm and dragged his fingers around where the death eater mark would soon be burned into us.

"I'm giving both of you tasks. You will follow them, I am the dark lord. You didn't think it would be easy would you?" He smiled creepily at me.

"What's her task..." I said turning towards the snakes mouth.

"Oh she doesn't know yet, but she will. Let's just say, don't get in the way. You know what happens if you do." He grinned and looked me up and down.

"don't hurt her." I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth.

He whipped around and hissed, "you couldn't stop me if I did." Chills went down my spine.

"That's not my plan however. Don't worry Malfoy, you'll get your task soon." He went back into the mouth that was still fuming smoke, the eyes flowed a bright green and shut. The water in the room started creeping out of the edges of the mouth and overflowing on to the floor. I grabbed my wand and tried to find an exit from the room, but there wasn't one. I stayed frozen as the water came around my ankles, splashing me with its icy touch. I dropped my wand in the water and pushed my head under to retrieve it. As my head went under, everything went black and I woke up in my bed.

I had cold beads of sweat dripping down my face and my wand was deeply clutched within my hand. I leaned up fast and my vision went blurry. Lily wasn't in my room and Blaise had been sleeping as if nothing had happened. I leaned over to the window and saw rays of light coming up over the horizon. I pushed myself out of bed and grabbed my shoes. I slipped them on and went down to the common room. I sat in front of the fire and stared at the green flames turning white at the top of the flame.

I was lost in the heat of the fire that I didn't notice when Pansy came up next to me. I was startled as I turned my head to her. She grabbed my arm and dragged me up.

"Draco, you have to stop staying up." She scolded me.

"What're you doing then?" I questioned her.

"Don't ask, you already know." That's when I noticed she was in last nights clothes.

"You seen Avery?" She asked me.

"Did she not go back to the room?" Panic started flooding over me. I looked around the room as if she was going to be hiding in the corners.

"No... I thought she was with you." Before she could tell me anymore I was running out of the room. My hands and feet were numb as I ran down the halls. Where could she have gone? Did Voldemort get her? He didn't promise he wouldn't hurt her! I felt the water cloud my vision, I turned a corner and saw the teachers gathered around the bathroom Myrtle was always in. They looked serious and were talking in hushed tones. I stopped in my tracks and pulled Snape to face me.

"What's going on?!" I tried to sound calm, but I couldn't.

"Avery... the chamber is opened again." I fell into Snape.

"Malfoy, we think she opened it. We don't know why this is happening again. Ginny didn't do it this time." I saw Ginny and the trio standing behind Dumbledore.

I pushed past him and grabbed Harry, "is this a joke? You speak parseltongue! I know you did it! Bring her back!" I had his shirt bawled you in my fist.

"Malfoy I swear I didn't do it! Why would I open the chamber now!" He looked serious, and I let go of him.

"Well I'm going to get her." I tried to push past them but Hagrid pulled me up.

"Let me go! She's going to die!" I was kicking him trying to get down.

"Hagrid take Draco to my office, I need to talk to him." Dumbledore's voice echoed as I was already being carried away. I swallowed my tears and wiped the ones from under my eyes away.

This couldn't be what the dark lord meant. Not now, not yet.

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