Chapter 22- Games

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I sat there stunned. I didn't know if he was joking our not when he choked me, but it hurt. I could already tell bruises were coming up as a hot tear rolled down my soft cheek. I let go of the apple and it rolled on to the floor. My hands went limp and black spots started appearing in my vision. It wasn't from the force of Draco's hands wrapping around my throat, or even the cameras flashing as Harry flew back into the arena. I think I'm having a panic attack. My breathes became short, but I didn't want to draw attention to myself. That didn't make it any better though, because I couldn't get air into my lungs. I tried to stand up, but my legs wouldn't move. I felt like everyone was staring at me and watching me lose control of my body. My eyes started watering and I let a couple of tears escape before I took my jacket sleeve and wiped them away. Just then, Draco turned back to me.

"Done with that apple?" He said nonchalantly, then he noticed my expression.

"Lily? What's wrong?" He reached for my hand and I pulled it away.

Gaining enough awareness to make a move, I got up and started heading towards the stairs to leave. My legs were taking me where my head couldn't as I ran to the bathroom. I heard Draco ask Blaise something when I left him and all I could think was how I wanted to get away from him. I was embarrassed, upset, and confused. How could he do that? I shared my body with him just the night before. I trusted him. I got into the bathroom when Myrtle came flying out of the middle toilet.

I didn't pay attention to her as I grabbed the sink and started sobbing at my reflection. I leaned over to splash some water on my face and run my hands under the water. My body had gone numb and I was hoping warm water would bring me back to life. Myrtle came over to me and was circling around me asking all these questions.

"Who's this? A Slytherin maybe? How dare you come in here! Why're you crying? Daddy won't give you any money? At least you can still see yours, I should be the one crying!" She was getting louder and louder, I couldn't take it.

I clutched the sink so hard it broke and water went spraying everywhere. I whipped around with tears rolling down my face.

"Hey dead bitch, first of all I don't have a fucking dad! Second of all, it's none of your bloody business! Shut the hell up for once in your life! Wait- your afterlife!" I was screaming and my throat was clenching. Myrtle started screaming and I threw one of the sink pieces at her before wiping my face and heading up to my room.

As I was pacing quickly back to my dorm I ran into Snape. Great. I brushed past him and started walking down the hall when of course he called me out.

"Miss Avery, may I ask why you are in such a hurry and not at the match?" His voice monotone.

I turned around, taking a deep breath. "Actually Professor Snape, I was just feeling a little sick. That's why I am not at the game."

I don't think he bought it, as my voice was shaky. My eyes were also blood shot and puffy. My clothes were dripping with water from when I broke the sink, and pieces of glass were in my hair.

"Yes... and why are you wet." He asked looking me up and down.

"The sink... I broke it." I couldn't even think of a good lie for that one.

"Why?" He stayed expressionless.

"Myrtle isn't being very kind today." I said looking at the ground.

"Detention tomorrow. Go back to what you were doing." Snape turned, going to fix my mess.

I didn't even care. I started running to my room. At least if I had detention I would get away from Draco. I started running the bath water and ripping my clothes off. I slammed the door and the tears just kept flowing. I felt numb. I opened the cabinet and saw a sparkling black bath-bomb I had got from a muggle store in London this summer. I placed it in and lowered myself into the tub. I sat there for awhile pondering on what I should do about Draco. I didn't want us to be over so quick. I didn't want him treating me like that again either. I fell asleep in the tub and awoke to Pansy beating on the door.

"What!?" I yelled.

"Oh you're alive. Draco wants to see you!" She shouted through the door.

I wrapped a towel around me and dried my hair. I removed all the left over makeup on my face and slipped on a black silk dress. I looked in the mirror to see the damage that had been done. Little purple spots were forming and I threw on a black silk choker to hide them. I curled my lashes then went to Draco's room. I knocked on the door and he opened it in a second.

"Why did you leave the game!?" He stood there looking down at me.

"Fuck off let me come in." I pushed past him and sat on his bed. He had some candy laying on the ground and I picked some up so I would have a distraction.

"No Lily why?!" He grabbed my leg and I flinched.

"Because Malfoy." His eyes looked hurt when I said Malfoy.

"What happened!?" He looked back into my eyes.

Finally sick of him asking I yanked my choker down to let the faint purple and red bruises be visible. I pushed it back up and threw the candy at his face.

"You disgusting little shit! How could you ever touch me!? Worthless!" I was picking up everything I could find and throwing it at him. There were no tears, just anger. I was livid. Without thinking I grabbed my wand out of my leg strap and pointed it at him. He backed up,  knocking everything on the dresser over and falling to the ground. He held his arm up in front of his face and I stared at him.

Wait... what am I doing?! I really have a wand pointed at Draco's face right now. I lowered my wand and hot tears came back again. I fell to the ground and started sobbing. My wand rolled out of my hand on to the hard floor. I curled up sobbing. Draco was still stunned for a moment when he slowly inched his way closer to me on the floor. He wrapped me up into his arms while I cried into his chest. He looked scared and confused, but I didn't care. He held me, and even though I hated him right now, this was the only place I wanted to be.

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