Chapter 29- Pain

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I turned around and arched my back. His cold rings slid slowly down my spine as he clutched my neck. He leaned over and whispered, "Are you sure?"

I leaned my head back and smiled at him.

"Yes Draco. I'm very sure." My voice came out softly.

He licked his fingers and rubbed them over me, as he did this I shuttered. He slowly pushed himself into me and moaned. He gripped my ass and he slowly began coming in and out. I grabbed on to the bed sheets and gasped for air. As he went faster, my gasped turned into moans. He slapped my ass and wrapped his hand around my neck.

I grabbed him and breathlessly said, "slow down a little bit." I couldn't hold my smile as his pace grew slower.

He leaned into me and rubbed my spot with one hand while holding my mouth with his other. I bit on to the edge of his hand to keep from screaming. He leaned up and went hard and fast for a couple minutes when he quickly pulled out.

"Finish me." He said as he was flipping me over on to my back. I sat up and put him in my mouth. I few couple of strokes and I could feel the hot liquid throat. I swallowed it with tears flowing down my face. He leaned back and panted for a moment before sitting on the bed beside me.

We were silent for a moment and I got up underneath the covers. He soon came in to the sheets with me and I curled up into his chest. We laid there in silence as he brushed through my hair with his fingers. I was almost asleep when he leaned into me a little closer.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said with a small crack in his voice.

I looked up at him and tears started to fill my eyes. I swallowed hard and put my head back into his chest.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you too."

We slid further under the covers, wrapped in each other's arms. I felt my eyes get heavy and could hear Draco faintly snoring. I drifted off into a light sleep, knowing this was the last time for a long time I would be laying here with the love of my life.


I felt a draft come through the sheets and shifted to move my feet under the blanket. That's when I felt the heat of another person next to me. Lily. I shifted closer to her and held her close to me. I didn't want to wake her up, because I wanted her to stay here forever. If only I could have forever. I heard a little groan as she pushed her freezing feet on to me. I wrapped her legs around mine and pushed her hair behind her ear. She smiled and nuzzled her head into my shoulder. We had the weekend off from all activities thanks to you know who, so we had extra time to sleep in. I looked over and saw Blaise sprawled out on his bed. I didn't know when he had came in, but it was obviously after our "activities." I grinned slightly.

Lily rolled over and wrapped her arm around my neck. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"We should play quidditch." She whispered over to me.

"It's cold outside." I smiled.

"We have coats." She rolled out of bed and began chucking clothes at me.

"Hey, are you serious?" I was putting them on as she threw them.

"I need a good game right now, I've been stuck in the chamber too long." She was throwing my clothes over her head.

I grabbed her up in my arms and opened the door to go to the fields. As I placed her on the ground, she started running towards the stairs. She was giggling and grabbing my hands. She pulled me forward and we raced down the stairwell. As we turned the corner, Potter and Weasley were standing there in a heated conversation.

"Ron you don't underst-" Harry turned to face me.

We all stared at each other. The tension was thick and the silence was loud. Lily looked back at me with tears swelling up in her eyes. A pit fell in my stomach and the color drained from my face. Is it over? Was last night really the last time I got to be with her? Harry finally swallowed.

"Malfoy, it's best this ends. You know, between the two of you." He looked at the ground and then back up at Weasley.

"You shouldn't mess with him." Ron barely uttered out.

I turned to Lily again and without thinking embraced her. I held the back of her head close to my chest and breathed a sigh as to not start tearing up. When I pulled away she had tears falling off her perfect cheeks and on to her sweater. My sweater.

"Keep her safe. Please." I barely choked out.

"No Draco please!" She grabbed my sleeve.

"I can't let him hurt you. It has to be like this for now." I turned away from her because I could feel my hands going numb and my legs stiff.

Before I could even turn back around, Harry has pulled Lily by his side. I looked one more time into her watery gaze and smiled.

"Goodbye Draco." She barely got out before she started bawling into Harry's robe.

"Goodbye Lily." I felt the water fill my eyes and I blinked a tear out.

And with that, I turned back towards the stairwell. Never to be with my love again.

Don't worry guys, rough start back but I got a plan. ;)

Those Grey Blue Eyes // draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now