Chapter 21- Dragons

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"Draco! Will you please stop saying such awful things, he apart of our school!" I slapped the back of Draco's head.

"When did school spirit ever matter to you!?" Draco flicked the side of my arm.

"Well... quidditch?" We started rushing to get to the dragon arena.

I had my hair pulled back into a high ponytail with pieces flowing around my face. I had black jeans with rips in the knee covering my lower body paired with a bright red sweatshirt. Under the red shirt was a white collared shirt that stuck out just a little at the top. Over the summer, I had gotten some silver chain piece necklaces to pair with my winter outfits and they matched perfectly. Since it was getting cold, I had my long black trench coat with fur on the inside to keep me warm. Draco was wearing black pants and a black abutted sweater. It came into an almost turtleneck shape where he also showed off his ice cold chains. Of course, he had a stack of rings on his fingers and got a forest green jacket to give him some depth.

We were walking with Pansy and Flint when we ran into Hermione.

"Watch where you're going Malfoy, geez!" She seemed in such a hurry and for what? The games didn't start for another twenty minutes!

"Filthy mud blood, as if I would want to run into you!" Malfoy hissed back.

"Anyways, let's go." I pulled Draco's arm closer to me and turned him toward the direction of Crabbe and Goyle.

We got seated and everything was getting started pretty slowly, as they do in big events. Pansy and Flint went off somewhere just as the games were about to start and Draco and I rolled our eyes. Very classy.

"I can't believe you didn't threaten Granger." He leaned over to whisper to me.

"Why would I? She seemed rushed." I asked confused.

"Well, even in a rush, she still had time to mention my name." Draco leaned up and pushed my arm, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and scooter farther away from him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back. I crossed my legs and sat there staring at the arena.

"Can't help it, I'm a lady's man." He was grinning and laughing.

"Not ladies, Lily's." I looked away at him, starting to get playfully jealous.

He leaned in to where his warm breathe tingled my cold face, "I most definitely was last night."

My mouth dropped open. "Malfoy, what the hell!?" I was trying not to be loud but it came out of me before I could even fully process what he had said.

Realizing he had just messed up he pulled back and played with his rings. "You know I don't mean it like that, just messing with you." His voice was much heavier than it was before.

I grabbed his pinkie, "promise?"

He pulled my hand up and kissed our intertwined pinkies, "promise."

"Now stop making me all soft in front of everybody, it's making me feel ill." He said, then started laughing.

The games had started and one by one we saw the three kids come out, they all did great and we were waiting for the real entertainment: Potter.

He shyly walked into the pit of doom and everyone held their breathe. He stumbled around for a minute and then started doing some weird things, but it did work... sort of.

"God, this is so entertaining. We're about to witness the boy who lived, die." Draco was cutting up with the boys and they were all hooping and hollering slurs at Harry. I had totally forgotten about the paper I had given to him, and wondered if he even read it. Did I read it? I was biting my nails subconsciously and Draco grabbed my hand out of my mouth.

"Snape is watching you, it looks like you're cursing the boy. Calm it." He said bluntly.

I ran my fingers through my hair and grabbed an apple I had seen Draco snatch from the Great Hall earlier. I leaned into his ear and crunched it hard, so he knew I was eating his prized snack. I loved making that boy mad. Without looking at me he reached in his jacket pocket where another bright green apple had been tucked away.

"Of course!" I rolled my eyes.

"When a pig like you is around I always keep backups?" Draco smirked.

"Yeah, cause I'm the pig!" I hit him.

He choked me and pulled my face close to him. I could feel the hot breathe pouring into my nostrils. I winced and my eyes grew wider as I looked at him.

"Choose your words carefully Avery." He let go.

I wrapped my hand softly around my neck.

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