Chapter 4- Classes YAY

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Draco ~
"God if I have to sit here for five more minutes I'm gonna fall asleep." This potions class was getting really boring. My paper sat in front of me with half of the notes scribbled down onto the page. My mind kept wondering to other things when I started grinning remembering last night with Lily. She's gotten prettier every year I swear I think she uses a potion or something.

I purposely made sure I was in the shower while texting her to come to my room. I wanted her to see all the hard work I had done over the summer. She had wrote to me saying I should get up off my ass and go do something besides sit inside and mope around all day. I wrote her back saying it wouldn't be  fair because I liked her fat ass and I wasn't gonna tell her to get up and do something. I'm telling you her ass is like... fat. Not f-a-t fat but p-h-a-t fat. If ya know what I'm saying.

"Malfoy... you look lost is there something you would like to tell the class about your oh so important inner thoughts." Snape said in his monotone voice. He was directly above me peering over my shoulder at the chicken scratch I had for notes.

"Actually sir, I was thinking of a girl." I snapped before I could even process what had came out of my mouth.

"Go on... what is so... special about this.. girl." His voice was dragging. Almost like he was waiting for my anger to build up. I guess I would give the man his answer.

"I was thinking about this girl's fat ass." I said instantly regretting what came out of my mouth. "She really needs to learn how to go to the gym as well as keep up with her grades." Maybe I saved it?

I could see Lily giggling out of the corner of my eye. If only she knew.. my face turned towards Snape as he said in a very monotone voice, "Malfoy... detention."


After Snape said this Lily burst out laughing, her and Pansy couldn't stop. I was trying to hide my smile as we made eye contact from across the room.

"Girls, I see you want to join Mr. Malfoy." Snape yelled over at them.

Pansy shot to attention at the words of detention. Lily couldn't stop laughing though and she said through tear filled eyes, "I'm sorry can I be excused?" She still had not stopped laughing.

"No Ms. Avery and I'll see you at detention too with Mr. Malfoy." He didn't look up once.

She stopped laughing now but still was holding back a smile. She shot her eyes towards me and rolled them trying so hard not to laugh again. She's so cute when she rolls her eyes. Her attitude is my favorite thing about her. So playful, nothing like me or my family.

The class ended and I stayed in my chair while everyone got up and headed towards the dorms. I waited for the crowd of people to die down before looking over to see if Lily was still in her seat. She was. Snape snapped his fingers at both of us and told us to sit there and help him stamp some letters for people in the ministry. We sat there for about an hour and then Snape told us we could leave. We got our books and headed towards the door.

That's when Lily punched me lightly in the side and started running up the stairs. I chased after her as our screams filled the hallway. God she's so fun. I want to be more than what we are. I want to make Lily Avery mine.

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