Chapter 7- Slipping

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I slowly walked down to the field. Dude. What am I doing? Actually you know what? I'm fucking good at this game. I dominate everyone during practice. I have played in almost every position except one: beater. Flint was a chaser though, so I should be good with that position.

"Malfoy!! Come over here!" I yelled across the field. I needed my uniform and some run downs of how this was going to happen.

"Hey! Surprised you came, look so we're going to have an hour of warm up. I'll go over the position with you and make sure you're good." Draco breathed looking down at me. He handed me the uniform and turned me towards the locker room.

"Wait... you said something about going over the position? It's chaser right?" Please be chaser. Please.

"Uh.. well" he started rubbing the back of his head looking towards a fifth year. "Actually we have someone who wants to play chaser, you'll be a beater." The one fucking position I never played.

"No. I'm not being a beater." I felt my hands getting clammy and sweat starting to form on my forehead.

"It's not bad Avery and you get to do the fun part. Hit things. You should be over the moon!" He was trying to reassure me but even I could tell he was worried.

"Fine, but I might hit you instead." I meant it to.

I took the uniform and walked off the the most attitude I had ever had in my life. He whistled at me when I walked away. "Make sure you hurry." He said down the field at me.

"Yeah obviously dumbass." I was fuming. Maybe I needed a chance to beat something. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

I quickly pulled the uniform over my head and flipped the robe over to drape on my shoulders. This was going to be great. Maybe?

The team was already in a huddle and I walked over to Draco and whispered in his ear.

"I might hit that bludger at your head." I playfully smirked as his eyes got wide and he smiled.

"Better not or you'll have consequences." I giggled at him and we clapped together meaning the scrimmage was about to start. I took the wooden bat and gripped my broom. I started ascending on my broom and honestly it was a little wobbly. I'm not used to holding a gigantic bat while trying to fly. Draco looked over at me and I nodded at his to let him know I was good. He returned the nod and we looked down to see the first year boy announcing he was throwing the quaffle up. I got really nervous as the ball was hurling up into the air. Then as soon as it was caught and the game had officially started, a wave of relaxation came across me.

Ten minutes into the game, a chaser of Slytherin was rushing by me. A bludger started hurling itself towards him, and I zoomed to catch it before it caught him. As I got closer it changed and started chasing after me. I took the bat in both hands using my legs to balance myself and wacked it to the outside of the arena. Hey this is kind of fun. I got the confidence I needed to rush to every bludger and started attacking them with my new weapon.

One was steady flying towards Draco as he was looking for the snitch. I practically skidded on my broom as I launched over to hit it. The force of me hitting it caused me to spin around on my broom. I lost my balance and started falling off. Before my body was fully disconnected from the broom, I grabbed the handle with my left hand. I screamed out for someone and right before I was about to let go Draco flew in under me.

"Let go!" He shouted over the swishing of people in the sky just above us.

Letting myself obey him I looked at the broom and trusted his command. I let go and felt the air swallow me. An arm reached out for mine and I opened my eyes, which I didn't even know I had closed, and kicked my body up to sit behind Draco. I was so shook up I wrapped my arms around his waist as he took me back to the ground. My broom laid untouched on the grass below. A whistle went off meaning our practice was ending. The rest of the team came down to the ground.

"Avery you better get some better control before this game. Wouldn't want you splatting on the ground." A fellow team member said.

"Come on it was just that one." I said sarcastically and they all laughed.

"Alright guys. We're going to eat then meet back here at 5pm for the game. Be ready. I heard Ravenclaw's new dude is pretty good." Draco made eye contact with the keeper and nodded at him. The keepers eyes were fearful for a moment then became cold and intense.

"Lily, I need you to stay with me and practice hitting bludgers off your broom." Draco turned to me and waited for my response.

"Uh okay... so no food?" I teased a little but I was kind of being serious.

"It won't take long we'll get some after." He assures me and the rest of the team left.

I got nervous again thinking about Draco being alone with me, just watching me and my technique. He picked up a bat and demonstrated a couple of hits for me. I picked up another bat and met him in the air. I started hitting with him and then he stopped to watch me. I hit around three and then he stopped me.

"Avery, you're on a broom. You can't put so much hip movement into the hit. It'll cause you to spin out and then you could hurt yourself or someone else." He flew over to me and got closer to my face.

"You need to use the force of you flying to the bludger to hit it off." He told me to try again.

Despite what he said I kept moving my hips into my shot. I could feel myself starting to spin and he flew back close to me.

"I'm sorry I just can't eliminate my hip motion in this I'm used to having it." I was nervous now. I didn't want to fall off my broom in a game because I knew I wouldn't have anyone pick me up like Draco did.

"Here let me hold them." Draco said placing his hands around my hips.

I could feel my face turning bright red. My stomach started fluttering. I hit another one careful not to move my hips. They didn't move, probably cause I was terrified of flinging Draco across the field and he was so close to me.

"Yes! That's my girl!" He yelled as the bludger went flying across the field.

Was this real? Did he just say my girl? I was sure I heard it wrong so I ignored it. We flew back to the ground and put away our stuff.

"Hey are we still eating cause I'm starving." I asked him tucking my robe in my arms.

"No I'm just gonna starve you so you faint in the game." His eyes were dead serious and then a smile creeped on his face.

I punch him as we started walking towards the great hall. As I was eating I couldn't help but think about me falling again. Also, I couldn't stopping thinking about Draco holding me. My stomach starting doing flips and my cheeks flushed again. I hope he didn't see. I really hoped he didn't see.

I really have a crush on Draco Malfoy?  Nah, maybe it's just nerves.

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