Chapter 14- Fight Night

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Even though I was asking Draco to lay with me, I wasn't actually tired. In fact I wanted to stay up with him and talk to him. His messy hair had spots of dirty blonde in it and I reached my hand up to get a closer look.

"Fuck off with that." He smacked my hand away from his hair.

"So it is true! You bleach your hair!?" I was already running for his bathroom. I kneeled over and started rummaging through his cabinet. I saw a purple toner and some bleach sitting in the back covered up by some old towels.

Picking it up and waving it in his face I said, "ooooh pretty boy needs his hair styled."

He grabbed it and took my hair in his hand.

"Avery, stop." His eyes grew more intense, but I liked it. Ignoring my him I continued.

"Wonder what I would look like with bleached hair." I was biting my lip and looking in the mirror playing with my hair.

"Wanna see?" He threw the box at my stomach. I caught it and snickered at him.

He was grabbing his clothes and pushing his limbs through the holes.

"Where are you going!?" I ran to his bed and flopped down.

"I'm leaving. do you want anything? I haven't ate since yesterday." He glared at the box and turned towards the door.

"Grab a plate of whatever I guess. I'll dye your roots when you get back!" I was kind of excited. This would be something fun. I had always liked hair styles, but I'm a wizard, so I never had the option to do anything with it.

"Whatever." He slammed the door behind him and I started giggling uncontrollably.

About half and hour later a knock came to the door. I opened it and saw Snape standing right there. His stare was cold and he looked me up and down.

"Me. Avery, they need you downstairs." He didn't even make eye contact with me and I went to my room to grab my robes.

"Did I do something?" He opened his robes, letting them drag behind him in the cold dense air of the hallway.

"No, but Draco did. I was coming up to grab you when I noticed you were not in your room. If you two are an... item.. I supposed you can relay my message to him when he calms down." He paused long when he said "item" and I knew he was suspicious of last night. "He better shape up, or his father has threatened to send him home, to be met with, well you know who."

"Um... what did he do?" I was biting my nails as we entered the wing next to the great hall.

There he was, sitting with the quidditch team and the Durmstrang boys. His hand was clutching his face when his gaze met mine. Red flushed his face and he shot his eyes towards the ground. The line up of boys was pitiful. They all had been scuffed up and were intensely staring at each other as Dumbledore was lecturing them about something. I couldn't understand what he was saying as I kept my eyes on Draco. They all got up to disperse and Draco shuffled towards me.

"Come." He mumbled to me and started pacing down the hall to the courtyard. His hand was off of his eye now and I could faintly see a purple tone shining off the afternoon sun.

"Hey! What happened?!" He didn't answer, just kept pacing. Finally I pushed his arm and he whipped around. His eye had a purple line under it and he brushed some hair out of his face when I saw freshly bruised knuckles.

"Not a fight?" I was trying to hold back a grin. I loved fights and was kind of upset I couldn't have witnessed the show down.

"You don't understand," he spit at the ground and then sat under a big oak tree, letting his robe drape off his shoulders.

I sat crisscross in front of him and looked around to see if anyone was there. No one was, and I rubbed the side of his leg. Is he just going to stare at the ground or tell me about what happened?

"Why did Snape get me?" I started tracing his pant leg, waiting for an answer.

He brushed his hair back and swallowed, "I told him to get you."

"Okay... why? You want me to help you fight?" I tucked my hair behind my ear and punched his calf.

He smiled and leaned his head on the tree, "oh yes, cause I need a little girl helping me fight." Ouch. Little? 

I pretended to swing towards his face and he leaped towards me grabbing me and fake punching my gut. I started laughing and slapping my hand at the motion.

"Tap out!" I puffed at him.

He went from a playful smile to a serious gaze in a matter of seconds. He pushed me off and started getting up. I grabbed my robe and walked behind him. He turned to look at me and then kept walking in front of me.

"Draco! Are you going to explain yourself?" I snapped at him when he turned back around.

"No Lily I'm not! It's irrelevant now and you would just get mad!" He screamed in my face. I pushed him hard enough to make him stumble back.

"Fine I don't need you anyways!" I flipped him off then started walking the other direction. My head was held high and my strides were long and powerful. I didn't hear footsteps, only my own. I knew he was just watching me, walk away from him. I could hear a scruffy sigh then he yelled out to me.

"I'll tell you if you come back!" His yell was barely audible as I was strutting away from the scene of our blow out.

"I'm good!" I briefly turned my head and then letting my hair spin, I continued walking. If Draco wouldn't tell me, I would ask the witnesses, Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

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