Chapter 25- Glossy

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I fell asleep in Draco's arms on the floor, but when I woke up I was in my room. I figured Draco had just moved me while I was sleeping. I was about to drift back to sleep when I saw footsteps next to me bed. There was no body attached to them, just black steps, almost like a drawing. I touched them and they stepped forward. In my sleepy gaze I turned on the light, and they were still there. I matched my feet up to them and they moved further forward. I slipped my robe over my shoulders and walked with the steps. I opened the door and saw Tom Riddle. I stared at him and he smiled at me. He outstretched his hand at me, and I stood there frozen in fear. He spoke to me in an echoing voice.

"Take my hand, or die." I blankly looked at his hand and grabbed it tightly. My body felt like collapsing as we walked towards the stairs. My feet were moving where my head could not. His skin was warm pressed against my palm, so warm it almost burned. We got to the bathroom that held the chamber of secrets. He turned to me and brushed the hair out of my face.

"You must be wondering why I'm here." His hand slithered around my waist and he pulled me close to him. All the air escaped my lungs.

"You have work to do." He whispered into my ear and goosebumps appeared all over my body.

He waited for my response and that's when I realized I hadn't said a word to him this whole time, "What do you mean?" I said having my voice sound stronger than how I felt.

His leaned forward and kissed my head. I had to hold back my disgust as he pulled away from me.

"You, Lily Avery, will be with me... in the chamber. But this isn't your task exactly." He grinned.

"Why? What will that help?" I was hoping he didn't mean it.

"I'm giving you and Draco a task that I would ask no other. First, however, I need to see if you two are both loyal to me. I've told Draco not to interfere with your task, which he has no idea this is one of course." He nodded towards the chamber and looked back over at me biting his lip.

"If he does, he'll die." the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my heart started racing.

"What? How will he know! You know we are loyal!" I started panicking.

"See... I need you to surrender yourself to me more than you do to Draco." Butterflies came to my stomach as he mentioned my loyalty to Draco, but was quickly crushed with the realization of what he meant.

"What if I fail?" I stared at him intensely.

"Still holds, Draco dies." My eyes shot down.

I turned towards Tom and grabbed his hand. I dragged him to the chamber and caressed the stone of the chamber. I turned towards him.

"Open it."

"That's your job." He was smiling.

"I don't speak parseltongue." I loosened my grip on his hand.

He grabbed it tighter, "Try."

I closed my eyes and the whispering language started flowing out of my mouth. I stopped for a second and looked at him. He nodded back at the chamber and I kept going surprised. I didn't know I could speak snake? Can I? Is this an illusion? The chamber opened up and dust fell out on to the floor. I turned my head back to the door of the bathroom, hoping that somehow Draco would be standing there for me. He wasn't though... Tom pulled me with him and we went down into the chamber.

I don't remember much of the walk, except for Tom excessively flirting with me. I tried not to cringe at every word he said. We came to this walkway with water on each side and a snake mouth opened. He told me to go inside and I obeyed. He followed me in and we were lead to this beautiful room with lavish gold furniture.

"Let me take you to your room." He caressed my body as he pushed past me. I followed him up this marble staircase and looked over the decoration below me. The room creaked open and I was greeted with the most lavish bedroom I could have ever imagined. I smiled in awe as he showed me the master bathroom waiting for me.

"We should be spending a lot of time in here." He smirked at me.

"Wait..." My voice trailed off as I realized what he meant.

I yanked my arm away from him as he just stood there looking at me.

"Come on, don't tell me you don't think I'm attractive." He grinned at me.

"You are the dark lord." I stared at him waiting for a wavering realization.

"Exactly." He took my waist and pushed me into him.

"Remember who I started as though." He whispered into my ear.

He let go of me and shut the door behind him. I fell to the floor and tried to hold back tears as I reached for the lock on the door. I crashed back into the floor and started hyperventilating. I wanted Draco. I hated Voldemort. I was stuck here with him and who knows what he was going to do to me. I'm just a kid. We're just kids! I was worried about Draco trying to find me. I couldn't live without him, and Voldemort would surely make me his if Draco wasn't around anymore. Al the sudden a wave of numbness came across me as I tried to remind myself of who I am.

I stood up and walked over to the bed. I took off my robe and slipped on the clothes Voldemort had laid out for me. I sat on the bed and stared numbly at the wall. A knock took my gaze away and Tom came strolling in. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"I don't want you to be scared of your master. I want your loyalty, not your love." I finally turned to look at him.

"Then don't expect my love. You already have my loyalty." My voice was harsh and cold. He took his hand off my thigh and turned his body to me.

"That's what you're here to prove."

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