𝘟𝘟𝘟. 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘞𝘢𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘰 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯

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Chapter 30: Disasters Waiting To Happen

"You're not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness." —Unknown

" —Unknown

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JUNE 20. 2016


"HOW could you? Signing the accords on behalf of myself which is bullshit since I'm underage!" Aurora shouted in frustration, accusing him of doing something without her opinion beforehand. She was for once enjoying some peace and quiet after giving up on the transmission that glitched the audio from their meeting. Just when she wanted to say something meaningful to him, the whole world turns their back on her for once attempting to be a decent human being. The teenager was beyond angry— furious, that no one saw her as a person but an object they could obtain. If she was in that meeting with the Secretary of State, he'll say a vigilante that needs to be contained like HYDRA. Spitting in her face to create some reaction from her.

"How could I? The government will be on our ass if we don't sign it." Tony remarked with the same tone as her, both stubborn in their own right for different reasons. He sighed harshly through his nose as he didn't see anything wrong with trying to protect her. Immediately she shook her head while chuckling at how her father thought she was an idiot. Manipulation. Like second nature when it comes to the Starks... lying, cheating, and calculating, almost if passed down to the new generation.

"You don't get it, I don't care about the accords and their stupid decision! All I want is to be treated like a member of the team!" The teenager confessed before realizing what she said, sealing her lips shut as she looked away. Purposely, trying to change her discomfort by picking up the journal and reading up on where she last left off.

"You are one but this will have serious repercussions if we don't follow the rules. Look, we'll level it out on the playfield for a while and when you're ready, you can go back on doing missions. Small ones like the new web-slinger—." The older Stark verbalizes his thoughts, earning a discreet eye roll from his daughter but thankfully he couldn't see. Aurora didn't care if a new hero was doing so mediocre neighborhood watching, she just didn't want to rot away her life.

"I just think I have the right to at least consider the options—." She commented calmly, not wanting to chat as she noticed the clock and noted he didn't have much time before another meeting. At this point, she was numb feeling his absence... another thing Starks was good at.

"So you can go back to being out of control? This isn't HYDRA!" Tony yelled suddenly and then there was silence. The girl stared at him stunned, concealing her tears and the feeling of drowning with emotions. He stood still before closing his eyes shut at the mistake he made, regretting bringing it up to spit in her face.

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