Chapter 37

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Your POV

Your kidnapper, obviously Genjou, directed you outside the mall. It was fairly dark, so no one else suspected anything wrong. The two of you walked behind a closed down restaurant that was nearby. The place hasn't been cleaned in a long time. How could he have known about this place? It was either a big fat coincidence or premeditated. Genjou had tossed you inside the main lounge area. He locked the door behind him. By now, Sakura had to have tipped off Gackt. He should be here to save you any minute. Until then, you should keep your distance from this guy. Just in case he wanted to try anything funny. "Now be good and sit down. I know he'll be here soon" said Genjou. He had flashed his gun for you to see. Reminding you, who was in charge here. Out of all times, why take you now? Did he think Gackt would've left you out with your friends or did he know he would've been watching all this time? Either way, this method was rather low and scumy. If he really was angry at Gackt, why didn't he just go to him directly? Yet again, targeting me would be more emotionally painful. So I guess it would be an eye for an eye. That would only mean that Genjou's plan was to kill you in front of Gackt.

You were careful with your movements. Each minute felt like an eternity. You didn't want this asshole to kill you. But it was the only logical plan you could think of as payback. You sat at a table a comfortable distance away. Your feet were ready to run if you needed. You observed the buildings and thought of anything you could to either injure Genjou or perhaps escape. Genjou didn't talk after that one instruction. He stood at the glass doors, waiting for Gackt appearance.

Gackt's POV

Her scent lead me away from the mall across the parking lot. It looked like a closed restaurant. Kai and Yoshiki had caught up with me. "You're not gonna run straight through the front entrance are you? That dumbass move will end up not going so well" Kai had barked as he pulled me back. He was right. I was so preoccupied with trying to find (Y\N) that I would've end up doing that blindly. "If we're gonna do this, we gotta do it the right way and sneak in through another way. I'm sure Genjou thinks you won't try anything since he has (Y\N) hostage" said Yoshiki. Valid point. "Fine. Let's make haste then" I said urgent. " I think I know a good way around back. I used to go peeking through a lot of closed buildings" said Yoshiki. " Used to? You still do that now" Kai added. "The point is I have building spelunking experience" Yoshiki ignores the comment.

We followed Yoshiki's lead around the building and stayed out of view from the front doors. "The attic should be empty and the boards should be mostly removed. It will be perfect for a surprise. Just keep your weight on the beams" Yoshiki instructed as he was able to remove a window for us to get in. From there, he was able to remove a board from the ceiling so we could get up top. We all crawled into the attic.

Your POV

Every second that past made you more nervous. What was taking Gackt so long? He must have some sort of plan to delaying making an appearance. You knew you were going to be okay, but no telling what could happen.

"He is taking his time, isn't he? Why don't we do something to pass the time?" said Genjou as he turned around to face you. That look on his face said he was going to try something. You'd just have to stall so he can't try anything. You slowly stood up and prepared to move in any direction. "It's not like that. I wouldn't touch Gackt's little princess" he tried to persuade you. That was a fat lie. The more damage he could do, the better it was for him. You gripped the back of a nearby chair. Any closer and you would swing it with all your might. "No need to get violent. We can just talk" he said. No way in hell. He inched closer. He was within reaching distance and your nails scratched the chair but it was almost like you were paralyzed. Your brain wouldn't let you pick it up.


You heard a loud creaking noise come from the ceiling. You haven't heard any noise  come from this place since you entered so it must be a sign. Like a eagle ambushing its prey from above, you saw a shadow jump on Genjou from the ceiling, knocking him over. You couldn't help but yelp in surprised and retreated. As you stepped back you could see clearly. Gackt had gotten ahold of Genjou and was snapping at him like a croc with his fangs. The two struggled. Gackt was shredding through Genjou's clothes with his claws. Since when did he have those? Must be a vampire trigger. Genjou managed to get a punch in and threw Gackt off of him. As Gackt and Genjou struggled, two more shadows from above dropped besides you. It was Yoshiki and Kai. They didn't do anything to help Gackt though. It was probably a pride thing. This was his fight. But even so, you didn't want him to get hurt. It's not fair, but what could you do?

Gackt and Genjou were in this to kill each other. Throwing each other into tables and chairs, aiming to get the advantage. But Gackt was more ferocious in his attacks. He had tore into Genjou multiple times with his fangs and claws. They two swung multiple punches. It was horrifying to see two people fight so desperately in front of you. Suddenly, you hear multiple loud pop ring throughout the building. Time almost stopped as your mind process what happened. Those were gunshots.

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