Well, That Was Unexpected

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We are still giggling about everything, there's empty margarita glasses scattered around the table, two bowls of chips with only a couple of fries in the bottom and ketchup sauce all over them. I hug my stomach again, and my eyes are a pool of tears as I try to speak while I spasm with laughter, my breath catching every couple of words.

"Your-face." I sniff. I laugh. "Oh my," I rub my eyes, "I still can't get over your face when the show started," another loud laugh escapes my lips and I hit the table with a fisted hand, trying to contain the laughter. "I've never seen your eyes open up so wide," a weird sobbing sound comes out of my mouth, but I'm only half aware of it, "and your jaw was hanging open like this," I try to pull on a silly face, mimicking Sam's expression from earlier on, but I can't do it properly as my body shakes with laughter all over again.

"Could you please give me a little bit more warning next time you take me to a strip club, Emma??"

Sam's back straightens as she tries to be serious, but I can see her shoulders shaking with the contained laughter. She won't fool me. I take another huge breath to calm myself and finally manage to get my shit together.

The show lasted for hours, first a group of male strippers that danced around the stage, and then lots of performers doing individual numbers. I even managed to get called up to the stage! Well, okay, maybe I desperately threw my arms in the air while screaming 'pick me, pick me!", all while Sam was hiding behind her hands and trying to disappear under the table. But thanks to that, I enjoyed a magnificent, envigorating and sexy-as-fuck lap dance. The guy had so many muscles I thought I wouldn't have been able to count them even if I tried. Uff, I heat up inside just thinking about it again.

"Sam, seriously. Would you have come if I told you where I was taking you?"

Sam thinks for only half a second before admitting that she wouldn't have.

"My point exactly!" I scream maybe a little bit too loud. "Butt," I giggle, "not butt, I mean, but..." I can't help but giggle again, "but..." I say again going all serious, "did you have fun?"

Sam looks at me with slightly glassy eyes, laughter still dancing behind them.

"I had the best night of my life," she says with a grin.

"Boooom!!" I scream as I throw my arms in the air. I notice a few faces turning around to look at me. "What are you all looking at?!" I yell back, and I can see Sam trying to make herself as little as possible all over again.

"Lord, I did miss you a lot, Moon of my life!" She says after a second.

It warms me up inside.

"It's cause I'm the best, you bloody shining sun in my Sky."

We laugh at our own internal jokes, the same word-plays we've been using since we were kids, and then, as if reading eachothers minds, we both start slowly gathering our belongings.

"We should probably get going." Sam says.

"I know, do you want me to give you a ride?"

"Don't tell me you're driving!" Sam looks awfully concerned as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Of course not," I say as I throw my arms in the air again, "I got daddy's driver today, he's on his way to pick me up already. Perks of having a rich dad, you know." I shrug like it's nothing, even if I know Sam doesn't buy into my bullshit.

It would be so much nicer to have a dad that cared, rather than one that was just constantly trying to buy me with money. I'm still pissed off after the fight we had last night. Dad's heading out on another business trip that will take weeks, and he's leaving me at home this time. A trip...

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