Stick To The Status Quo

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“Do you want to shower first?” Sam asks as we enter our hotel’s room.

“No, you go, we have a couple of hours to spare, so I might go explore the hotel if you don’t mind. I’ll be back in an hour or so and shower afterwards, okay?”

“Sure thing!” She replies as she grabs a change of clothes and heads straight for the bathroom.

I walk over to the mirror, and arrange a few of my curls that have gone wild during our day exploring. I look a bit tired and sweaty, but that’s to be expected in a country where the temperature borders the 40°C all the time. I tie half my hair up to keep it out of my face, and run my hands through the front of my dress. I’m wearing one of my favourites today, it shows a lot of cleavage, but it’s not like I have a whole lot to show, so I don’t mind it. It’s black, with little red flowers and the bodice is tight and fitting, with a loose knee length skirt. 

I fix the neckline so the lace of my bra doesn’t show, and I head out for a walk.

The sun is almost down, but there’s still enough light to see around as I find my way into the pool area. To my surprise, there’s no one here. I take my sandals off, sit down on the edge of the pool and let my feet soak in the cool water. 

I keep telling myself it was a great day, but I need to shake off this annoyance that settled into me. I look at my smartwatch, still no messages. 

What did Sam say today? 

Is that all you ever think about?

Of course it's not. And I know she meant it as a joke, damn, I even laughed myself. So why does it bug me so much? We’re not all as lucky as she was to find a guy to have a 4 year relationship with… even if he ended up being an absolute dick. But my flings never last more than a few weeks before they all turn sour, they run away, or I find out they’re only in for the money. I see the look in their faces when I bring them home. And fuck, I admit a lot of them end up at home just to get a reaction out of my father… like that biker dude with all the tattoos that I took home a few years ago.

I laugh out loud at the memory.

“You have a lovely laugh, you know?” A voice says behind me.

I jump, startled, and I almost lose my balance a little as I turn around to look behind me and try to stand up all at the same time. Before I know what’s going on, a hand is wrapped around my wrist and helping me up on my feet.

“Wow, there you go sweetheart, that’s better,” he says as he steadies me by lowering that hand to my waist.

Holly fuck, did I just step into a movie?



I walk out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me, another one on my hair, and I drop on the bed.

There’s plenty of time until we need to leave, but I kind of wish I would’ve told Em not to go on that walk. I haven’t even started waiting and I’m already getting nervous that she’s going to take too long in the shower or something and we might miss the plane. 

It’s stupid, I know it is, so to try and distract myself, I videocall mum.

“Hi, honey!” Mum picks up and seems so excited to see me.

“How are you doing, mum? What time is it over there anyways?” I say as I sit on the bed.

“Oh, it’s midday over here, what about there?” She says after checking her watch.

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