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My eyes flicker open and a smile spreads across my face. It is the day before my first day at Hogwarts. I have always been eager to learn magic, and now I get to go to school and learn about it all day. Of course since my dad is a professor there, he teaches me loads of information- when he's home in the summer and during holidays- in preparation to live up to his standards. I shoot up from my bed and get dressed; putting on an all black outfit, per the signature Snape style, and giving myself a side braid. Today is shopping day, Father is bringing me to Diagon Alley to go shopping. I am ecstatic to be around my dad all the time. I've always wondered what he's like on school grounds.

I yank open the dark grey curtains nearest my bed. It's raining outside, per the England weather. I don't bother to put on a slicker, as I am sure the weather will clear up in about 5 minutes. I put on my black shoes and head downstairs.

"Good morning darling," I hear father say in his famous monotone.

"Good morning, Father," I say excitedly. Our house elf, Norc, is setting a larger breakfast than normal on the table. I suspect it's because my father is actually around this morning. But I doubt he will eat anything.

"I assume you are ready to purchase your things from Diagon Alley," he asks. It doesn't sound like a question, but none of his questions really do.

"Surely am," I say, trying to bite down on my smile. He notices this and you can see a hint of a smile on his face. I'm the only one who's able to do that, and I pride myself on it.

"Fix your posture Victoria you look like a hunchback," he says as he pokes his wand into his back.

"Sorry Sir, I'm just so excited," I respond. He seems pleased that I referred to him as 'Sir' but I hate calling him that. I just want to call him 'dad' like a normal person. He says it's out of respect so I call him 'Sir' and 'Father' anyway.

"Excited to be top of your class and head girl, I presume?" He has high expectations of me, but I'm eager to achieve them.

"Yes, Father, I'll make you proud," he lightly smiles at my response.

"Very well. Finish your breakfast and we shall go." I try to eat my breakfast as fast as I can, but still making sure I do so with perfect table manners. I finish and I stand up. Norc takes my dishes and waddles away. I grab Father's hand and we apparate to Diagon Alley. I was right about the weather, I noticed the rain fully stopped and it warmed up a bit. It still remained cloudy and you can smell the rain on the plants.

We enter Gringott's. My father and I have separate vaults. No idea why, but we go to mine and take out some money. The goblin hands them to me and I put them in my coin purse, which I give to my father to keep safe.

"May we go to Ollivander's next?" I ask as we exit the bank. I'm most excited to get my hands on a wand.

"We may," he says, looking at the ground.

We enter Ollivander's and I look around amazed. Every wall had boxes upon boxes of wands. I want to try them all.

"Ahem," Father clears his throat to get Ollivander's attention.

"Why hello Severus, it must've been 18 years since you were last here. How may I assist you?"

"My daughter is in need of a wand"

His eyes slightly widen."Y-you have a daughter? A first year at Hogwarts? Aren't you 29?"

My father pursed his lips. He hates being questioned. "Perhaps you would do well to do your job instead of wasting your time asking me so many questions," he states sternly.

"Right." Ollivander glances at me, shakes the thought away and looks down. He shuffles through the store, moving around boxes. I feel someone looking at me. I turn around.

"Claire!" I exclaim. My father shoots a look at me. I talk quieter. "I've missed you so much." I met Claire in a tea shop last year when my nanny and I took a trip to Diagon Alley and I spent the whole day with her. "Father this is Claire Ollivander."

"Claire, while it is lovely to finally meet you, please tell your grandfather to stop asking questions like a bumbling idiot." Wow, I thought, brutally honest.

Claire smiles sweetly "Oh he's old, he's just losing his head is all."

"No I'm not!" He shouts from across the shop.

"That's what they all say when they get old. They never notice that they're nutters," says Claire in her sing songy voice.

"I heard that!" He grunts and falls on the floor with a thud. I chuckle. Father looks unimpressed.

"See? I don't blame you for thinking he's a bumbling idiot. You're not wrong." I can see Father trying to stifle a smile.

"Miss Ollivander I appreciate your wit." She blushes. It's not often that Father compliments someone.

Old Mr. Ollivander scuttles back with a wand box. "Try it out," says he. "Give it a wave."

Claire and Father watch me intently as I look down at the wand and then raise it and wave it. The boxes he dropped dance around the room and stack neatly on the floor. Ollivander smiles.

"Looks like this is the one, Miss Snape." He hands me the box for it. "Pear wood. Nine and a half inches. Unicorn hair core." Father nods.

I hug Claire one last time. "See you on the train!" She smiles and waves and I leave the store with my father.


We obtain the rest of my things and return home. Father disappears to his office, doing whatever he does in there. I run my hands through my long blonde hair and get ready for bed.

'Bring it on,' I think to myself. I roll over and try to sleep but I'm too excited and stay up half the night.

MISS SNAPE || George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now