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CONTENT WARNING- topic of death and dying


The air was cold and expecting, my skin prickling in fear.

"Put on your masks," a voice demanded.

Lia and I obliged.

"They're just children," Narcissa says.

"Nonsense. They're both sixteen and a half. Like how the age of consent is sixteen and kids always shag before then," Mr. Rosier jokes.

"Oh Rolf shut up, nobody wants to hear your jokes," Lucius Malfoy retorts. "Does everyone know what to do?"

We all nod our heads.

"Are you coming, Severus?" Mr. Rosier asks. Everyone turns to look at him.

"No, I'd rather keep my job." He looks at me with sad eyes and mouths 'I'm sorry'.

My entire body is shaking.

I grab Lia's hand and we grip onto each other for dear life.

"Come, dears," Mrs. Rosier says to us sadly. She hold's Lia's hand and we apparate into a field full of tents.

The quidditch world cup.

Everyone looks so cheerful.

Then the terror begins.

Fires and screaming begin.

The look of terror on people's faces makes my stomach sink.

I look around and realize that Lia and I had been ripped apart. She was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't even call out her name, I was afraid of getting caught.

Suddenly, I bump into someone who smells familiar.

"I-I'm sorry-" I begin. I look and realize who it is.


"Cedric-" I take off my mask. I grab onto him and I apparate us somewhere. I open my eyes and look around.

"Why did you do that? I need to go back to my father."

I begin to sob and he looks at me worriedly.

"A-are you going to kill me?" he asks.

My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"I didn't know you were a-"

"I'm not! I promise I'm not. I'm being coerced because of my father and my abilities. I'll be killed if I don't. But I'm doing my best to keep you all safe. Please trust me and don't tell anyone."

I sob even harder.

"I won't. I'm so sorry about everything, Tors. Thank you for trying to keep us safe."

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