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Our group always goes to support Gryffindor in their quidditch games. I find the sport very entertaining, though nothing can beat the first game where Harry nearly swallowed the snitch. I'm perfectly content sitting with Claire doing homework and supporting the boys at the same time. Lee's commentating makes it heaps better.

"Damn Hufflepuffs you really need to step up your game," I hear Lee say through a microphone. He tries to continue commentating while wrestling McGonagall for the microphone. You can hear their grunts through the speakers, which makes everyone die of laughter. I turn my attention back to the game where I see a bludger missing George's head by about 2 centimeters. I gasp and grab Claire's hand.

"V he's gonna be okay he's gotten hit by flying balls loads of times before." We both crack up at how silly it sounds out loud.

"Yeah well when you put it like that it makes me less worried for him," I say, not taking my eyes off him. I adjust my scarf, the only article of clothing that shows what house I belong to. Everything else is, unsurprisingly, black. I forget that I was doing homework and had my eyes glued to George for the rest of the game. Harry catches the snitch, also unsurprising, and I run over to the Gryffindor changing rooms. I wait outside and tell the teammates 'well done' as they trickle out the door. Fred comes out and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"He's the last one in there," he says, winking.

I laugh sarcastically. "Thanks Freddie." I enter the changing rooms and my nose instantly wrinkles. "Merlin's beard it smells like something's died in here.

"Yeah, Hufflepuff's dreams of beating us."

I throw my head back laughing. "Oh is that what that is?"

"Yeah, it's a pretty awful smell if you ask me," he says with a wink.

"You were good out there today."

"Oh, um. Thank you." I can't tell if he's shy, embarrassed, or weirded out.

"Of course. Now can we please get out of here before I vomit?" I sarcastically roll my eyes.

"Why yes we can lovely."


He continues. "So I have a fun idea.'

"I'm listening."

He chuckles to himself. "I was thinking we play catch, but on brooms. Just you and me."

"Oh dear," I say. I hate flying so much.

"Whassamatter Snape? Too scared of a little game of catch?"

I'm too competitive to resist his offer. "Oh you're on Weasley." He tosses me a broom and I find a ball in the changing room. He cues for me to exit the changing room.

"So if you didn't know, you get on the broomstick and-" before he could finish I speed into the air. I sit in the air as he looks at me from the ground with a surprised expression. He shakes his head and meets me in the air.

"Okay Snape, wasn't expecting that one."

I dock my broom into his, making him lose his balance slightly. "I'm full of surprises," I say with a smile and a wink. His cheeks go red. I raise my hand in the throwing position. "Go long," I say. He speeds away and I chuck the ball in his direction. He catches it and throws it back to me. I chuck it back even further, but more to the left this time.

"Okay," I hear him yell. "You have an okay throw but lets see those catching skills." He throws the ball way past me and to my right. I speed over to it and catch it just in time.

"Cmon Weasley give me a real challenge," I yell back. I throw the ball almost straight up. When he catches it, he's diagonal to me and about 30 feet above me. I see him smile and drop the ball straight down.

This is the perfect time to prank him.

I fall at rocket speed to catch the ball, which is nearing the ground. I wait until it gets really close to the ground, but high enough to look like I took a nasty tumble. I snatch the ball and launch myself off my broom onto the ground. In no time he's standing above me, frantically asking me if I'm okay. I smile to myself and start laughing.

"Why are you laughing? You just fell 20 feet." I turn over, ball in hand. He looks shocked, then offended. "Did you just... prank me??"

My smile gets even bigger. "You bet I did Weasley."

"You're good at riding a broom, you have amazing throw and catch skills, AND you can prank the best prankster in the history of pranks? You're the best girlfriend ever!"

More butterflies.

"This is just the beginning Georgie."

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