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I shoot up from my bed. Today is the most exciting day of my life. It's early in the morning, nearly six o' clock. I barely slept yet I feel as though I got a full night's sleep. I dress in a different all black outfit and today I leave my hair down, letting my blonde locks loose, unrestrained. I look in the mirror and wonder where I got my blonde hair and blue eyes from. Father's hair and eyes are nearly black. Nobody would ever think I'm his offspring if I didn't dress just like him.

I skip down the stairs, at the bottom of which I find my nanny.

"Good morning, Miss Snape, ready for your first day?" She says with a smile. She has been my nanny forever, as Father doesn't trust anybody else to take care of me.

I squeal. "Yes I think so. Can you help me make sure I have everything?"

"I'll go up and check. You eat breakfast." I sit down and Norc is putting loads of food in front of me. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, muffins, all the breakfast foods in the world must be sitting in front of me right now. I eat as much as I can. As I'm finishing, my nanny walks gracefully down the stairs, my trunk levitating behind her.

"Are you bringing Lily with you?" she asks me. I look down at the cat curled up by my feet. She meows. I got her as a kitten a few years ago. My dad suggested the name and it stuck.

"Oh Lily I am so sorry I almost forgot about you! Yes I'm bringing her with me."

"Fantastic. I'll pack up her food and toys and put her in her cage for you." She glides down the hallway.

Norc sulks his way over to me. "Done Miss?" he asks, looking at me.

"Yes Norc," I say, smiling at him, "thank you for your delicious cooking. I'm going to miss you."

He smirks. "Always a pleasure to serve you, Master Victoria."


We arrive at King's Cross Station. Nanny is pushing my cart as we approach Platform Nine and Three Quarters. She looks around to make sure no muggles are watching. She pulls me in front of her and we both grip the cart as we swiftly gallop into the platform.

I gasp. "The train is so much more beautiful than I thought it would be," I say, grinning from ear to ear. My smile falters. "Why doesn't Father ride it with me? How does he get to Hogwarts?"

She laughs. "Oh never you mind that darling you'll see him every day. Let's get your stuff put away and get you on that train!"

We haul my trunk onto the train and walk to one of the car entrances. "Here," she says, handing me my cat and my coin purse, "your father put extra in there for you in case you need anything." Her eyes water as she pulls me into an embrace. "My darling you're growing up so fast!"

"I'm going to miss you so much Nanny. See you on Christmas holiday?" She nods and I hop on the train. I wave at her one last time and she blows kisses at me.

I walk down the car of the train. "Psst! Victoria!" I turn around. Claire pops her head out and gestures me over to her. I put my cat down on the seat and hug her, kissing her cheek as well. "How excited are you scale of 1-10?" She squeals.

"Hmm," I say, tapping my chin and pretending to think about it. I suddenly smile. "One million!" I say. She squeals again.

The door opens. A red headed boy pops his head in. "I noticed there's only two of you in here," he begins. "Do you mind if we sit with yous?"

Claire quickly glances at me and smiles. 'Boys,' she mouths to me.

"Course you can!" I say with a polite smile while Claire attempts to keep her composure.

"Great!" He flashes a smile at us and I swear Claire almost passes out. I move Lily to the ground.

The boys walk in. I quietly gasp. The second boy looks just like the first, only something about him is breathtakingly handsome. The third boy walks in and waves at us. We wave back.

They take their seats. The boy that asked us to sit here bows. "The name's Weasley. Fred Weasley." Claire giggles as he shakes her hand from next to her and the other redhead rolls his eyes. He turns to me.

"And I'm George Weasley." His smile melts my heart.

"And I'm Lee!" Says the third boy. I laugh at them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you boys. I'm Victoria and that's Claire." Claire waves to them, slightly blushing. I note the twins' differing features and I'm immediately able to tell them apart.

"So girls," says Fred, "what houses are we looking to get into?"

Claire answers for us. "Well I come from a long line of Ravenclaws and she's probably going to get into Slytherin because her da-" I signal to her in an attempt to cut her off and she quickly bites into her sandwich.

"Why? Who is your dad?" asks Fred.

"Oh nobody," I answer.

"Well what's your last name?"

I don't answer. Claire takes it upon herself to answer for me. "Snape," she says, with a mouthful of food. Their eyes all widen. I wince at their expressions. Claire mouths 'sorry' to me.

"So you're Professor Snape's daughter?" Fred says loudly.

I look at the floor, my face turning light red. "Yes," I say quietly.

"What's that like?"

"He's not around most of the year, given he's a professor and all. My nanny raises me." They all nod.

"So you're going to be the only one doing well in Potions class?" Lee asks.

"Well, hopefully yes, but not because he's the teacher. He has very high expectations for me to live up to."

"Ah I see." The boys change the subject to Quidditch and I stay quiet for a while.


I apparently fell asleep because the next thing I know, it's dark out and Claire is calling my name to change. I sit up and gasp. I realize I was sleeping on George's arm! I turn red and they laugh.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry George!"

"No worries," he says and returns to his conversation. A few moments later he pauses and turns back to me. "Wait. You can tell us apart?"

"Of course I can. I thought it would be rude not to know your names." George smiles sweetly. He appears touched by this.

Fred looks up. "So we won't be able to trick you then."

"Nope," I say, smiling with pride.

Fred scowls. "Guess we'll have to figure out another way then huh Georgie?" George smiles and nods. "I hope you get Gryffindor. That'll make it loads easier for us."

"I'll try my best!" We all get up to change.

"Woah!" says Fred when I return. "She's not goth anymore!" Everyone laughs except George. He's just staring at me.

"What?" I say to him.

"What? Oh um... nothing." Fred snickers and shoves George into me.

"Someone fancies goth girl," Fred sings. George nearly turns as red as his hair.

"Oi! I'm not goth Fred. It's just the Snape style."

"Oh so you're ALL goth"

I smile. "Fair enough"


We get off the train together and a rather large man directs us to the boats. I stay close to Emma. Lee and Fred get into a boat and push George over to us.

"They kicked me out of the boat," he says, sheepishly.

Claire giggles. "You can come with us!" He smiles in thanks. Him and Claire get on first. I step on and nearly fall but George catches me.

"First you fall asleep on me and then you make me catch you," he smiles and helps me sit down. "When will I ever catch a break!" He fake sighs and rolls his eyes.

My heart is beating out of my chest.

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