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At breakfast the next morning I learn that Fred, George, Lee, Claire, and I have essentially the exact same schedule. We have Charms class first and we all walk there together. Lee, Fred, and Claire walk ahead and George pulls me behind.

"Hey Tori how are you?" He asks me, he seems genuinely worried about me. It feels good to have someone care about me so much. Even though he's known me for less than a day.

"Better than last night. Sorry about that by the way."

"Don't even worry about it! I'm glad you feel better. I'm here to help you whenever you need me."

"That is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," I say.

"I'm just being a good friend." I smile and catch up to the rest of our friends, he follows shortly after.

I notice he opts to sit next to me in every single class. I don't bring it up.


Two weeks later, we are all fully adjusted to living at Hogwarts. Fred and George have most of all, talking back to the teachers, playing pranks on the prefects, swiping interesting objects from teachers' desks, and sneaking around. I wish I had their mischief, or rather, the courage to go through with it.

"Oi Tori!" says George. "What do you think about sneaking out tonight with me, Freddie, and Lee?"

"My dad would murder me." I say sadly.

"He'll only murder you if you get caught." There's a smile creeping onto his face.

"D'you s'pose it's worth it?" I say, clearly very interested. George smiles bigger.

"I think so. I'm biased though."

"FIne I'll go. But if Father kills me I'll kill you."

"But you'll be dead how will you kill me?"

"Try me Weasley I dare you." We both burst into laughter.

"Yeah okay Snape we'll see about that."


I was specifically instructed to not go to sleep and to meet the boys in the common room in the middle of the night. I do as they say and find them waiting for me when I approach the common room.

"Jesus, Snape, what took you so long?" Says Fred. "We've been waiting here for centuries!"

"Calm your bits Freddie I'm a minute late stop being so dramatic for godric's snake!" They all burst into laughter, including me. "You're sure my dad won't catch me?"

"No guarantees, but it's highly unlikely," says Lee.

I roll my eyes.

"Not gonna back out on us now Snape are you?" Fred asks, daring me.

"I already promised, Weasley, now let's go."

"Fair enough," the Weasley boys say together. It makes me laugh. I follow them out of the common room and down the hallway. We take a turn and enter a strange hallway.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"We only take the obscure paths, it's safer this way," George explains.

"Ah," I say. I find some relief in his statement. We continue on, up some stairs, down long corridors for what seems like forever. We climb a really long ladder. In the middle of the ladder I crack a joke. "Is this a bad time to say I'm afraid of heights?" I poke Fred's head, who is below me.

"If you fall on me I'll murder you," he says.

"How will you murder me if I'm already dead?" I say. I hear George laugh.

We get to the top and I realize where we are. "The astronomy tower," I say with my eyes wide.

"Yes ma'am," says George. "I told them to plan something easy so you're not stressed out the whole time. No pranks or anything tonight."

We lay there for hours looking at the stars, creating our own funny little constellations, talking about life. I feel so calm. They're teaching me what real friends are.

And that's how it was for the next two years.

MISS SNAPE || George Weasley FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora