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My father keeps a very close eye on me at every meal so I have to be very careful about what I do in public. I've made a habit of going to his classroom when I don't have classes and before meals to study. This way, I figure, he won't suspect any of my shenanigans and I can ask him for help with my subjects if I ever need it. I hardly ever need help though.

"Victoria, which class are you currently doing the best in?" he asks me one morning. I know my response will please him.

"I believe it's potions, Sir. I think I inherited my skill from you."

His mouth spreads into a smile. "I taught you well, dear Victoria. I'm proud of you."

My heart stops. My father, Severus Snape, is proud of me. He sees the shock on my face.

"Don't act like this news is surprising. You are my offspring. My prized possession. The only thing I love in this world." For a moment he looks like his eyes are watering. I think he's thinking about my mother. My heart melts. It is rare to see this part of him, but it's reassuring to know he cares about me and loves me. I almost start crying too. "Finish your work," he finally says, shaking off his prior comments.

I chuckle. "Yes Sir."


I spend the majority of the next meal deep in thought. I snap out of it to see all my friends trying to get my attention.

"I'm sorry. What were you guys saying?" I ask them.

"I asked you how far along you are on your potions composition," says Fred.

"Oh I finished that last night." I hear them all grumble in an annoyed fashion.

"How did you finish that last night it's 6 feet long and it was assigned yesterday?"

"Potions is my best class. Besides, I actually value my education and put my head down and my bum up before I can go cause trouble I shoot back at Fred.

"Did Papa Snape give you all the answers?"

"If I ever asked him something like that I'm sure he'd disown me." I glare at him.

"Oh," he says quietly.

George turns to face me and whispers. "Is everything alright? You're acting off today." I want to be offended but I know he wouldn't be asking if he wasn't genuinely worried about me.

I smile sadly. "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about something my dad said. Or rather, something he didn't say" I reply.

"Did he say something bad to you?"

I shake my head. "He was telling me how much he loves me, and I could tell he wanted to say something about my mum, but he didn't." I explain to him how my mother was never in my life and how she left my dad after I was born and died a few years later. I tell him that I don't even know what her name was.

"I would feel the same way if I didn't know who my mum was," he says. I laugh. "But I'm sorry you have to go through that. If you need anything I'm always here."

"Thanks. I just want the relief of knowing who she was."

"Have you ever asked him?"

"I tried once. He went completely silent for the whole day."

"I see." We get up. I think to myself that maybe I should ask him again. When he's in a good mood.

"Wanna go on an adventure tonight? Maybe cause some chaos?" He nudges me.

I nudge him back. "What are you boys planning on doing?"

He smiles and winks at me. "It'll just be us tonight." Butterflies fill my stomach. "Meet me in the common room after curfew." He kisses my cheek and runs to catch up with the boys.

Claire walks beside me. "What's going on between you two?" She asks, smiling.

"Well I fancy him and he fancies me."

"Wow I never would've guessed," she says sarcastically and rolls her eyes. "So are you two dating or what?"

"I have absolutely no idea" I sing. We both throw our heads back laughing.

"Well you had better figure it out soon. I reckon he's not going to wait around forever."

"You're right." We change the subject for the rest of our walk to transfiguration class. George watches me the entire class.


Curfew comes and goes. I make my way into the common room wearing black satin pajamas with my robe on top of it. My hair is in the signature messy braid. I spot George.

"Alright there Snape?"

"Better than ever Weasley." He's grinning from ear to ear. His smile is so contagious that it only takes a few moments to be smiling as wide as him.

"We'd better get going." He takes my hand swiftly and pulls me out of the common room onto the staircase.

He takes an obscure turn and I immediately know where we're going, but I don't say anything. After a long time of walking in the dark, we finally reach our destination.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asks me.

I look around the astronomy tower. "Not a clue."

He chuckles. "I brought you here because this is where we came on our first adventure."

"Ah yes, I remember," I say, not really following his train of thought. "What does that have to do with us being here right now?"

"Because I feel like this is a special place for me to talk to you about this. We both know we fancy each other, apparently we both have for a while, and I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"Wait I'm not already your girlfriend?" I joke.

I see a hint of embarrassment on his face. "Well I don't know but I wanted to formally ask you and make it official, or whatever."

"I see. I guess I'll date you. Or whatever." We both burst into laughter. We sit there for a while and look at the stars. He holds my hand. After about 2 hours we head back to our dorms. We almost part ways but he puts his hand on my shoulder. I turn back around to look at him.

"I just wanted to say that you're really pretty," he says sheepishly.

"Oh yeah? Well I think you're really pretty too." We both put our hands over our mouths to stifle our laughter.

"Goodnight, Tori."

"Goodnight Georgie."

I walk into my dorm room and I see Claire sitting up on her bed, eyes wide.

"So?" She says.

"Well we made it official, we're dating!" She quietly squeals. She jumps out of bed and hugs me.

"I'm so excited for you!"

"Me too." Then I have a moment of panic. "Do I tell my dad?" I ask her.

"We're not even fourteen yet V. Give it some time." I nod.

"Will do. Goodnight love."

"Goodnight," she sings.

MISS SNAPE || George Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now