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Authors Note: HI GUYS! I'm so sorry I took a hiatus for mental health reasons but I came onto Wattpad today AND I HIT 10K READS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? You guys are insane I didn't even think I'd get 4 reads. I appreciate all of you guys that have stuck with me so far:) I love you all!


"Are you serious? Why are you two such idiots?"

"He needed it!"

"For what? What possible reason could Harry need our map?"

"You know, Claire, he has a hell of a lot more people after him than we do," Fred points out.

"Also, we gave it to him months ago and you never noticed. Why is it just now that you want to know where it is?" George adds.

"Because I- nevermind." She storms out of the room and the boys exchange confused glances, then shrug.

"Anyway, we want you to try out one of our new lolly inventions," Fred says with a sweet smile on his face. "It was inspired by you, seeing as how you're our perpetual ass-saver."

He hands me a candy stick, one side is green, the other purple. I take a bite and immediately feel queasy.

I quickly run to the trash can and begin brutally barfing, and George quickly runs over to me.

"Here, eat the other side."

I hold the candy and try to bring it to my lips, but I'm persistently vomiting violently so I can't get into my mouth. The boys begin to panic.

George ends up shoving a piece down my throat, causing me to stop throwing up. I crumple on the floor and groan, "I hate you guys."

George kneels by my side, holding my hand.

"So much for your perpetual ass-saver, you nincompoops," I say, picking myself off the floor.

"I'm sorry Tors, I didn't know it'd affect you that much, must've been a bad batch."

"THAT MUCH? You tell me it's a thank you gift and you knowingly give me a- a- a puking pastille?"

They exchange a glance and say in unison, "We've found our name." They both shake my hand and leave the room.

"What the fuck?" I say to myself.


The school year goes by in a flash, full of pranks, study sessions, and strange looks from Professor Lupin.

By the beginning of June, most teachers had wrapped up their lessons and had begun review for assessments. I had just woken up from a nap and joined in on a conversation among my best mates.

"My point is-"

"No offense, Lee but I don't think anyone wants to know what your point is," Claire interrupts.

Lee scoffs. "I have to watch yous four snog all day and I don't get to say my point?"

I let out a sigh. "Lee, that's because our actions and words are consensual. You just make comments about people."

"Oi, Snape, don't make me out to be a predator, eh? You can't take the piss out of me simply for enjoying the looks of my classmates."

"You can be a bit gross, mate," George adds.

"But the lads and lassies of this fine school are just divine to look at," Lee responds, in the most posh accent he can muster.

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