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In the weeks leading up to Christmas holiday, our teachers load on as much work as possible.

"Tori can you PLEASE tell your father to stop assigning so much work? I can't write 3 foot long compositions every night," Fred whines.

"Oh Freddie, you know that if I ask him to do that he'll just assign a foot more. Besides, we don't even have that class every day." He moans in frustration.

"Say, Tori, what are you doing for Christmas this year?" George asks.

"Um, I don't- I don't know. Why?"

"My family would love to meet you. Especially Mum."

Fred snorts. "He sends letters about you to her all the time. She must know everything about you by now." George turns bright red and shoves a smug looking Fred.

I smile. "Aw Georgie, you never told me you talk to your mum about me. I'll ask Father when I see him." We start heading to transfiguration and his hand brushes against mine and I grab it. We don't say a word to each other for the rest of the walk, just taking in each other's energy.

A few hours pass and potions class has come to an end. Everyone files out of the classroom, but I stay behind to talk to Father. I nervously approach him.


He looks up from his papers to grade. "Yes?"

"I w-was-"

"Don't stammer."

I take a deep breath. "I was just wondering what we were doing for Christmas." He seems to ponder on my question, as if he hadn't even thought about it.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, my friends were wondering if I could stop by their houses over break." I've never asked him something like this, so I have no idea how he's going to respond.

"Which friends are you referring to?"

"Well I was thinking the Weasleys because-"

"No," he sternly states. This catches me off guard, though I shouldn't be surprised. "I will not have you in the house of those troublemakers. You are to stay at Hogwarts and on Christmas day we will have our own separate celebration."

I give him a look of defeat. "Yes Father," I say with a sigh.

"Now run along. You don't want to be late for Herbology." I slink out of the classroom. Coincidentally, George and Lee are passing by the classroom as I walk out.

"How'd it go?" George asks me with a hint of optimism.

I look down. "He says I have to stay here for the holiday." His head droops and I immediately get more upset at his disappointment.

"I can tell Mum that Freddie and I are staying here for Christmas! I'm sure she'll understand."

"Oh you don't have to do that for me."

"No worries! I can give the professors some 'presents' too," he snickers.

"Sounds like a plan Georgie." I kiss his cheek and glide to herbology.


Holiday rolls around and the twins managed to convince their mum to let them stay at Hogwarts. The golden trio, Claire, and Lee are all staying. Most of us don't have great relationships with our families. We're the only ones from Gryffindor to stay for the holiday so the Great Hall is nearly silent compared to what it used to be.

"Tori, I've never once seen your father eat. How is he still alive?" Fred asks me one night during dinner.

"As much as I'd like to reassure you that he's a real human being, I don't really see him eat either. He's never around during mealtimes at home and if he is, he doesn't eat anything."

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