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The last few days of school came and went, and now I find myself walking out the unnecessarily large doors of Hogwarts. This year certainly has been a wild one, yet I get the feeling it's hardly the beginning of the chaos. Claire and I hold hands on our way to the train.

"Do you think we're going to be able to hang out this year?" She asks me.

"Well my father has taken quite a liking to you, so the chances are good." I respond.

"How about Georgie?" She asks with a mischievous smile and a shoulder shimmy.

I nudge her. "Father HATES Fred and George. No way in Hell are they going to be allowed anywhere near me this year." She sports a sad look on her face.

"But it's okay," I continue, "because I'll be able to see them again once school starts, where we all practically live together."

"You're right. I think we should have a week-long sleepover. Or maybe even longer." She says, eyes wide.

"That would be so fun!" We squeal and giggle like the young teens that we are.

We board the Hogwarts express and find our friends. We all squish into a compartment. I have Claire to the left of me since she loves looking out the window and George to the right so he can sit opposite Fred and talk to him when I fall asleep. Something about the train makes me want to sleep every time I'm on it. Unsurprisingly, I doze off within the first hour.

I wake up to George sticking a saliva-soaked finger into my ear. I yelp and shoot up, causing black and white dots to cloud my vision. I begin to lose my balance, but my disgusting boyfriend catches me and holds me up.

"Oh why thank you, grossie." I shoot at him with a glare.

I only did that when you wouldn't wake up to me tapping your shoulder. Or kissing your forehead. Or violently shaking you." He protests. I roll my eyes.

"It's time to get off, you beautiful creature." He says.

"Creature? Why am I a creature and not a person?" I shove him as we walk toward the exit.

"Because you're too beautiful to be human." I blush and he wraps me into a hug that could probably break one of my bones. He kisses the top of my head.

"I'm gonna miss you," I complain.

"I know. I'm going to miss you too. I'll try my best to steal you over the summer."

I sigh. "Good luck with that one mate."

"You know, you doubting me is just going to make me try harder."

"Which is why I'm doubting you. I absolutely do not want to be stuck in a house alone for another summer." I say desperately, squeezing him one last time. He nods and we get off the train, where my nanny is already carrying my things. I hug all my friends and I do my secret handshakes with the twins. I have different ones for the two, both equally as complex and secret as the other. We all say goodbye as we take off in separate directions to our respective families. Granted, my family as of right now consists of my mostly absent father, a woman who is paid to take care of me, and my cat.

She has a wristwatch portkey that brings us to the middle of the living room, where food is cooking on the stove.

"I figures you were hungry," she said with a smile. "That train ride is brutal."

I nod my head in agreement. "I mainly slept the whole time, so it wasn't too bad," I reply.

She excitedly brings over my food, some type of casserole that tastes heavenly.

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