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It really took a long time for Claire and George to get used to my legilimency skills. I would accidentally read their minds and they would just stare at me with wide eyes. I kept having to apologize to them for my accidental readings. But sometimes I would sit and read people's minds for fun. From this I learned that Filch and his cat are secretly married and Oliver Wood is very insecure. I also came to the conclusion that Pansy Parkinson is a touch-starved psychopath. One time I caught her thinking about her body pillow with Draco's face on it that she sleeps with at night. Lia later caught her in the act.

Despite being morally wrong, this was good practice for me. Lia as well. She wasn't as good at it and she tended to accidentally make it obvious to the trained mind that she was trying to read them, but normally people thought it was just a random headache.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a psychopath myself, before reminding myself that I am a witch and I go to a magic school. But I still thought it important to bring up with Father.

"Father, when I am ridding myself of emotion, something peculiar tends to happen." He looked at me with a confused expression.


"I hear voices. What does that mean?" He ponders this for a moment.

"What do you hear?"

"Mainly my name, and it's usually from a woman." He gets up and begins pacing.

"It is possible... that when you clear your head... you grow into a deep meditative state... that allows you to communicate with the dead." I almost choke on my water.


"It's a form of dark magic, which I am incapable of. Of course, it is no surprise that you're able to, considering the speed at which you learned to be a very skilled legilimens. You're a very powerful witch, Victoria. More powerful than most adults. It is my theory that you have been a legilimens since birth."

My third eye. It was never a third eye, I've been a mind reader forever, but that part of me has been fully opened up with father's lessons.

"Can you help me manage it? The speaking to dead people part?"

"I can try. I am well read on necromancy, and I will try to help you. Do not panic, Victoria, as that will make everything much worse. And you must not tell a soul about this. This is dark magic we're dealing with, and many people are quite opposed to it."

I have a panic attack that night, I hate not being able to be myself in front of my friends. I put a silencing charm around my bed and sob half the night. But somewhere around one in the morning, I sit up, dry my tears, and make a potentially very bad choice. I feel my emotions drip away as the last of my tears fall. I push everything out of my mind and begin to concentrate, as if I am about to read someone's mind. The whispers begin.

"Victoria. Victoria," they say. I keep concentrating on the voice, until it becomes loud enough to feel as if someone is next to me speaking. I close my eyes and continue not not break my intense focus on the voice.

"Yes?" I say, but I only hear my name being repeated. Suddenly a woman walks into my dark brain. She is very beautiful, with very red hair and green eyes, much like mine.

"Hello darling," she says.

"Who are you?" I ask, but she only smiles at me and eventually walks away, out of my mind. I scowl and go to sleep. Unfortunately, the sleep doesn't last very long because Fred, George, Claire, Harry, and Ron are all frantically running into my room telling me to wake up.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you lo-" I begin to scold them but I accidentally read Fred and my face falls.

Ginny is missing.

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