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"Tell me all about it."

"About what?"

"Shagging your boyfriend, you idiot."

"Claire, I know that I might have accidentally found all the gory details of you getting it on with Fred, but I want that moment to stay between us."

"Fine, Tori, be that way," she scowls. "But you have to tell me eventually."

"Or what?" I say slyly.

"Or I'll tell Mrs. Weasley."

"I'm immune to that threat. I, unlike you, have proof to tell her because of my superior mind reading skills. I could find it in your brain right now if I wanted to. But I don't want to."

Her face turns red and she chuckles nervously. "Fine. But it'd be nice if we could talk about it when school starts again." I realized that tomorrow afternoon I'm being picked up by Nanny to go back home. Suddenly the door flies open and two redheads run in.

"Come on," Fred says as he and George pull the two of us up from the bed.

"Where are we going?" I ask, being pulled toward the door.

"Last adventure of the summer, of course," the boys say in unison. I grab my wand on the way out, just in case.

We make it outside the house, Molly and Arthur have a silencing charm on their room so they can't hear any noise from outside the rooms. I wish I had that on my room, the house is unnecessarily loud all the time. Fred throws me the keys to the new flying car and I roll my eyes. We pile into the car, George in the passenger seat, Claire and Fred in the back and I prepare for takeoff.

"Where to, boys?" I ask.

"What if we went to Scotland?" Claire chimes.

"Not a half bad idea, Ollivander, I applaud you," Fred remarks, making Claire blush. George pretends to dry heave.

"Land down there. We have to make a pit stop," Fred suddenly says. I swoop the car down quickly, causing everyone to be all dramatic even though I'm the best driver possible. I ease the car down onto the ground in front of a house. 

"Why are we here?" Claire asks as Fred gets out of the car and walks toward the house.

"Gotta replenish the stock, and perhaps gain a travel companion," George explains. Moments later the car door opens again.

"Heard you were going on an adventure," says a familiar voice. I smile and turn to the backseat.

"Is that Cedric Diggory I hear?"

"Well if it isn't the legend Tori Snape driving a flying car," he responds. I reach back and give him a fist bump.

"How do you two know each other so well?" George asks. Claire looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Partners in herbology all last year," I say as I begin to lift off the car. "We tied for best scores in that class."

"Professor Sprout called us the dynamic duo because we'd fly through all our assignments," Cedric adds. 

"So you're the supplier of all the muggle weed we've been smoking?" I ask him.

"Of course I am. I hardly think you're even the tiniest bit surprised by that." He responds.

"It all makes sense now." George puts a map into my hand and I tell it my destination. I charmed it last year during school to give me directions to wherever I want. My name pops up at the bottom of the path and shows me inching closer to the destination.

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