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"You bloody perverts! It's socially frowned upon to watch people sleep you know!" I hear Ginny shout. Claire and I open our eyes, smiling at what we just heard.

"Well they're not sleeping anymore because of your bloody screaming," Fred says. We both sit up and I see George's eyes widen. Confused, I look down. I realize I had taken my shirt off in my sleep, and I'm only in a sports bra.

"Whatsamatter Georgie?" I tease. "Never seen a girl in a sports bra before?"

"I- erm- I don't-I- erm- no." He drops his head to cover the fiery red color burning onto his cheeks. Fred is on the floor laughing at this point, but immediately stops when Claire sits up, also only in a sports bra. He freezes, mouth dropped wide open. Our laughter gives George time to pull himself together and the boys laugh awkwardly as they back out of the room and run away. Ginny rolls her eyes and apologizes on behalf of the 'extremely immature idiots'. The Weasleys love that word apparently.

Claire turns to me. "Never knew we had that kind of effect on boys," she chuckles.

"Course we do! We're arguably the most gorgeous girls in our grade!" I exclaim. She laughs.

"I agree," Ginny chimes. "You both are gorgeous. I've absolutely no clue how they managed to get you to like them." She gestures at the boys in the other room.

"Awe thanks, you're pretty gorgeous yourself," I say. "And the boys are actually very sweet to us."

"Yeah because you're drop dead gorgeous," she huffs.

"And so are you, love. In a couple years Harry will be drooling over the thought of you." I respond. This makes her eyes widen.

"How- how d-did you even-" she stammers.

"It's her third eye," Claire chimes. "She did the same with my crush on Fred."

"So you really think I have a chance with him?" Ginny asks.

"Abso-bloody-lutely," I say. This makes her squeal with excitement. The Weasleys have a scary amount of charm. Except Percy. I'm tempted to push him down the stairs every time I see him.

We take advantage of the long days, de-gnoming the garden in the mornings, cooking with Mrs. Weasley, playing quidditch, swimming, and watching muggle movies at night. I watched Claire and Fred grow closer, they would go on late night walks and hold hands and do things that couples do.

George grabs my hand and yanks me into the water. I come up for air, coughing and sputtering.

"George Weasley you ARSE!" I yell, not actually angry. He tries to dunk me again but I pull him with me so we're both gasping for air when we come up. I spit water at him and he hits water at my face. He suddenly looks at me in awe and pushes a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand pausing on my face.

"Dear Merlin who made you so gorgeous," he says quietly, sending butterflies shooting through my stomach. He grabs my waist and pulls me into him, but remembers I'm treading water and it's too deep for me to stand. He instead grabs the bottoms of my thighs, pulling me into him and guiding them around his waist. I put my hands around his shoulders, pulling myself to touch foreheads with him. He pulls back to look at me. My blonde hair is slicked back by the water, my eyes illuminated by the sun. He isn't facing the sun, but I don't need the sun to tell me that I have my legs wrapped around the most attractive boy I've ever seen. Our position puts us at the same height, neither of us have to strain our necks to look at each other.

"And who made you so bloody handsome?" I respond, making us quietly laugh as we stare at each other, entranced by the other's eyes. He suddenly pulls me into a slow, gentle kiss. Butterflies swarm my stomach as he glides his hand over my waist. He drops his hands to my backside, and the butterflies intensify until he uses his hand placement to throw me over his shoulder into the water behind him. I have little time to scream before I'm completely submerged. I come up gasping for air.

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