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I wake up to the impact of another person jumping on me, a large person. I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was.

"You smell good," I murmur, still mostly asleep.

"Why are you not at all affected by me jumping on you?" George asks.

I shrug, eyes still closed. "I figured it would happen sooner or later."

He sighs, probably also rolling his eyes. "Okay, well get up."

"Or else what?" I yawn.

"Or else I'll have to punish you."

I open my eyes, study him for a bit, then close my eyes again, turning away from him.

He wraps me in a hug, squeezing me uncomfortably tight. "I'll have to tickle you," he whispers. Without hesitation, I push him off of me, scrambling to get out of bed. I lose my balance and fall in between my bed and my dresser, legs dangling in the air. 

"Jesus, Tori, are you alright?" George asks frantically after hearing the loud thud. He tries to pull me out, grabbing my legs and tugging at them. 

I groan from pain. "I think I injured... bones," I say weakly.

"You injured bones?" George asks, confused. 

I flail my legs around a little bit. "How stupid do I look right now?"

"Very stupid," he laughs. "Are you okay though?"

"I don't know, bitch, get me out!" 

"Okay!" He runs out of the room leaving me to dangle. Minutes later, several pairs of footsteps walk through the door, gasping as they enter.

"Merlin's willy, Tori what the fuck did you do?" Fred laughs.

"Can we laugh about this after I am released? My everything hurts," I groan. The footsteps get to work, pulling me and moving the dresser. When they had finally moved the dresser enough, I fell head first onto the wooden floor, adding to my pain. I laid there for a bit, in too much pain to move.

I hear some gasps. "Tor, you're bleeding everywhere!" Claire shouts, rushing over to me.

"Wouldn't be the first time," I laugh.

"Okay everyone get out of the room!" Claire yells.

"But-" George starts.

"I said get out," she snarled. Footsteps head out the door and she closes the door, casting a locking spell and a silencing spell. She walks over to me, flipping me all the way on my back, and resting her hands on my arm and face. I see her close her eyes, concentrating. Soon enough, the pain stopped and my cuts healed over. 

"So that's how you do it," I say, my laugh still weak.

"This is a bit of a useless skill when most potions can do the same things," she mutters.

"But potions aren't always around. And potions can't bring small animals back to life." 

She laughs and helps me off the ground, grabbing a wet cloth and cleaning the blood off me. She helps do my hair and gives me clothes to change into. I still had a bit of an ache in my head.

Eventually, she undoes the spells and we open the door. Everyone is waiting in the common room, apparently worried for me. George was the worst, pacing around the room before he spotted me. As soon as he did, he rushed toward me and grabbed my face.

"Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital wing? I'm sure Madam Pomfrey would-" he stops, looking for the wounds. "Where did all the blood and cuts go?" Claire and I both stifle a smile.

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