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I get dressed as quickly as I can and prepare myself for Fred and George's birthday surprise. They've already planned a prank they want to do for their birthday since they haven't had a chance to after the Halloween incident. The plan is relatively the same, what with the fireworks going off in the bathrooms. This time they're trying to shoot a first year called Neville Longbottom out of a cannon, but I'm a little worried about the safety of that one. I planned out the surprise with Claire and Lee, and we have to time it right during the boys' prank. We're a little nervous, we've never planned a prank this elaborate without Fred and George. But if we pull this off it'll be the best birthday present ever.

I approach George, who is walking down the stairs into the common room, and kiss him on the cheek. "Happy birthday, handsome," I say. Fred pretends to gag. I laugh and turn to him. "Happy birthday to you too Freddie." They say thank you in unison. Lee and Claire approach our semicircle and say happy birthday as well.

"So what's the plan?" Claire asks.

Fred begins to explain. "George and I are going to skip charms class and set up everything. George can communicate with Tori through their bracelets so he's gonna signal to her and she'll excuse herself and Claire from the class. On their way to the third floor bathroom they'll pass by Lee who sits by the door in his transfiguration class and he'll excuse himself as well. Claire, George, and Tori will work on setting off the fireworks. Lee and I will go to the stairs and set off the plastic balls. Sound good?" We all nod in excitement.

Fred and George start walking to breakfast. I keep Lee and Claire behind. We go over our secret plan again.

"So we know what each of us are doing?"

"Yes," they both say. We run to the Great Hall.

"We thought we lost you guys. What took so long?" asks George. The three of us glance at each other and try to keep ourselves from smiling.

"Come on. Tell us. The suspense is KILLING me." Says a sassy Fred.

I laugh. "No way Freddie. It's a surprise." He does a really dramatic sigh and doesn't ask again.

About a third of the way through charms class, my bracelet starts squeezing my wrist.

We're ready for you, it reads. I make eye contact with Claire and gesture with my head that it's time to leave.

"Professor Flitwick," I say. "May we go to the bathroom?"

He looks up and squints. "And why must you go together?"

"Oh um... I need some... f-feminine hygiene prod-"

He holds his hand up and shakes his head with disgust. "I don't need to hear it. Just go." Once we're out the door we quickly high five and run to the transfiguration classroom. We stand outside and wave to get Lee's attention. Once he notices us he immediately asks to go to the bathroom as well.

"Okay Lee go cause a distraction," I order. He runs off and we head toward the bathroom to meet Fred and George. Once there, they high five us, as if we were in a relay?

"Where's Lee?" Fred asks. "He's supposed to be h-" He's interrupted by Madonna's 'Material Girl' blasting through the whole school. Claire and I look at each other and crack up.

"We made some additions to the plan," Claire says. "I hope that's okay." The boys grin really big.

"Of course that's okay!" The boys say together. I order them all to run out of the bathrooms. With one large swoosh of my wand, all the fireworks are going off in all the bathrooms. Before they can say anything about my amazing skills, I start sprinting toward the stairs. As we pass each classroom, Claire and I flick our wands at them to set off confetti cannons that we hid last night; her getting the left classrooms and I the right. The boys' smiles kept widening.

We reach the stairs and run all the way up. The boys take out about 10 trash bags and empty them onto the stairs. Hundreds of rainbow plastic balls were coming down the stairs. I Make another firework and drop a banner from the ceiling that reads 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOOLS' which has a double meaning. Lee, Claire and I all high five each other while the boys stare at us in amazement.

"The teachers will come running any minute. We'd better go," I say, pulling them all into the common room. I run to the bathroom, pulling 3 buckets of a vomit-like substance. I take off my robe, revealing sweats and a hoodie. Claire and Lee do the same.

"What are you doing?" Fred asks.

"Covering for you." I say. "You're here to make sure we're alright." They begin to object.

"We all agreed to make this sacrifice so you two don't have to get in trouble." says Lee. I put makeup on Claire and Lee and throw crumpled tissues on the couches. The three of us get onto our respective couches. I hear someone begin to say 'Welwitschia Mirabilis' and I quickly cast a temporary curse that makes the 3 of us sick.

"Happy birthday," Claire whispers. Soon after she's throwing up into her bucket. A bunch of teachers rush into the room.

"I knew we'd find you here." Says McGonagall. "Would you five like to tell us what the relationship is between you skipping class and the havoc wreaked on our school today?" Scattered vomiting can be heard between my friends and I.

"Professor, we were just making sure they were okay," Fred says.

She continues. "So why is it that you two skipped and the sick ones left class early?" She asks sternly, trying to burn the truth out of them with her eyes.

Fred begins to answer but I interrupt. "Professor, us three haven't been feeling good since we woke up and we thought it would be okay to go to class but they got buckets for us and waited outside our classrooms in case we were feeling very sick."

"And how would they have known you two would get very sick?" she queries.

"Intuition, I guess," I respond back.

"Very well. If I find out you five were up to this I will take away 30 points each." All the teachers start to walk away but Mrs McGonagall turns back around and winks at me.

"What was that about?" George asks, referring to the winking.

"Being the daughter of a teacher and top of our class has its benefits," I say, casting the countercurse. "It was actually her idea to pretend to be sick."

"So you mean to tell me," George starts, "She helped you plan this?" I nod. "Bloody hell you're amazing."

"Damn right I am," I say as I collect the vomit buckets.

"You're ALL amazing for covering for us and making the prank even better. This truly has been the best Birthdayfools ever." Says Fred. We all group hug and Fred tells us we stink so we stop.


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