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Author's Note: I'm sorry for all the dialogue in these chapters, I'm just trying to build up the characters before we can dive into the tragic backstories and crazy events.

The week of Halloween, Fred, George, Lee, Claire and I are sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table eating dinner.

"What are we doing for Halloween? It's 3 days away," says Lee.

"We should dress up and scare first years. What say yous?" Fred says with a mischievous tone.

"I says I agree," George exclaims.

I feel people looking at us. I turn to the left and I see chosen one Harry Potter, top of her class Hermione Granger, and little brother Ron Weasley all looking at us with eyes as wide as saucers.

"Why so scared children?" I ask them with a laugh.

"Please don't scare us," says Ron.

"You're at the top our our list Ronniekins," Fred says.

"Can I join in?" Harry Potter asks us, eager to hang out with us because we're apparently the most popular group in school. We all look at eachother.

I squint at him. "What do you have to offer, Potter?"

"Well, I'm good at magic, I'm funny, and all my teachers like me so I can help you get out of trouble if needed." We all laugh. "I also have an ulterior motive. I want to get back at a Slytherin named Draco Malfoy. He's been bullying me since the beginning of school."

"Alright Potter you're in. Don't mess this up for us." The boys cheer for him.

"Harry no! You're going to get in trouble!" This comes from Hermione.

"Hermione, I appreciate you as a fellow genius and extremely talented witch" they roll their eyes at me, "but we don't get caught. Thank you for your concern though." She rolls her eyes and goes back to her book.

"So it's settled then! I'll have it all planned out by dinner tomorrow!" says an eager Fred, getting up from his seat.


It's Halloween, and we're all sitting together at dinner putting the last finishing touches on our plan. The Great Hall is decorated top to bottom with Halloween decorations. Halloween is my favorite holiday in the year.

"Okay so Claire and Lee will hit the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws with stink pellets, Tori and George will set off fireworks in all the bathrooms, and Harry and I will go find Draco, turn the Slytherin common room into a swamp, and turn him into a frog." Fred started calling me Tori as well. In fact, I believe all of them call me Tori now.

"Got it!" we all say. We prepare ourselves to terrorize children and teachers alike, but we are interrupted by yelling down the hallway. The doors slam open and Mr Filch comes running(if you can even call it that) through the Great Hall.

"TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! THERE IS A TROLL IN THE BLASTED DUNGEON." I hear screams around the Hall. Dumbledore yells directions at us and we're escorted to our common room. I feel someone's hand on mine. It's George and he looks worried.

"Whatsamatter?" I ask him, squeezing his hand.

"I haven't a clue where Ron is. I'm supposed to keep him safe."

"I'm sure he'll be in the common room when we get up there," I say. He calms down a bit, but he's still very obviously worried.

We get to the common room and he's nowhere to be seen. George starts panicking. He tries to leave the room but the prefect wouldn't let him.

"I have to find my brother," his panicking becomes more intense. He runs to his room.

"What's he doing?" I ask Fred.

"He's probably getting the map," he replies.

"What does he need a map for?"

He smiles. "It's a special map. Come, I'll show you." We sneak into their dorm and I see George hunched over a piece of parchment. "We swiped it off a professor's desk two years ago. It shows everyone in the castle," Fred explains. He turns to George. "Do you see him?"

"He's in the girl's bathroom with Harry and Hermione." He looks confused.

"I hope they're safe. At least he's not alone," I reply. They nod. "And look, Snape and McGonagall are heading their way." The boys simultaneously give out a small sigh of relief. Their little brother is safe. I kiss their cheeks and sneak back to my dorm. Seeing them care so much about their little brother melts my heart and makes me fall more in love with George. About 10 minutes pass and we see the trio enter the common room covered in debris. Fred and George run to embrace their sibling.

I approach the relieved bunch. "What happened?" I ask. They explained to us how Hermione was in the bathroom when Filch announced there was a troll in the dungeon so they went to go warn her and the troll was already in the bathroom so they helped save her.

"So you're telling us yous knocked a troll out cold," I say. They smile and nod with pride.

"No way," George says.

"Wicked!" exclaims Fred. We all laugh.

"You guys are badasses," I say chuckling.

"The baddest!" The boys say in unison, which just makes us all laugh harder.

"In our 3 years of attending Hogwarts we've yet to defeat a troll," I say.

Lee chimes in. "Yet is the key word, young Tori. We've YET to defeat a troll. Our time will come soon."

"Merlin's beard I hope not," I mutter. Claire, who is standing to my left, grunts in agreement. The twins promise we'll do our pranks on another day before we get ushered back to our dorm rooms.

The rest of the days in autumn felt the same. Being swamped with homework, having to do it all, and then commit acts of tomfoolery for the rest of the day. I don't worry about Father catching me and being disappointed so much anymore. I guess the twins really did a number on me.

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