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A/N: Okay I'm so sorry for being late with this one, I had a bit of writer's block. This chapter is pretty long but I wanted the whole group to experience a bit of a funny moment. Enjoy! x

Nearing the end of the school year means only studying for exams and not much time for anything else. George and I spend all our time in the library, and we make great study buddies. Although he hates studying, he's actually very smart and we get stuff done quickly. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same for the rest of our group. We made them sit on the other side of the table because they kept getting us off task. They're quietly arguing about which Bertie Bott's jelly bean was the worst.

"Vomit is hands down the worst," says Claire.

"Absolutely not!" Fred protests. "I'd rather eat real vomit than eat a belly button lint jelly bean."

I decide to butt into their completely idiotic conversation. "Fred, honey, WHY would you prefer literal vomit over the mildest of the gross jelly beans?"

"Because I don't know where that belly button has been!" He exclaims. My father happened to be in the library as he said this and he smacked Fred in the back of the head with a book, which makes me laugh.

"Is someone asking for a detention?" He mumbles in my direction.

"Only if it's in your office, Professor!" I say with the cheekiest smile I can muster. He rolls his eyes and stalks away.

"Only you can pull that off Tori," mutters Fred.

"Oi it's not like I asked him to be my father, though it does come with some benefits."

"Some benefits," he grunts. "Just SOME? You're practically immune to punishment." This makes my smile falter.

"It absolutely does not." I say lowly. "You haven't a clue what it's like with him as a father you act like it's all sunshine and rainbows. If you know anything about him surely you know he's not at all like that." Fred looks away and goes back to his work.

George puts his hand on my leg. "He didn't mean it like that," he whispers.

"I know. I just- short temper y'know?" He nods.

"Can you help me with potions?" George asks. 

Fred, Lee, and Claire suddenly look up. "Me too," they all say. I love when people want my help.

"Of course guys! It's only my best subject,"I say with a smirk. They all roll their eyes which makes me laugh.


Exams went smoothly and easily for me, although I doubt my friends could attest. By the last exam they looked just about ready to curl into a ball and cry.

"Come on guys you all passed. My studying methods have never failed."

"Actually, now that you say it, I think the potions exam was a bit easier than last year," says Claire.

"I think she's right," says George.

"All hail Tori!" Lee exclaims. I can't tell if they're being sarcastic or not. Either way I know they won't fail.

I suddenly decide I want to get some fresh air. I silently excuse myself and walk out the large castle doors.  I head toward the Black Lake. It truly is such a nice day, nice enough to make me rethink which month is my favorite. I shake the thought out of my head because October will forever take first place. But May is a close second. I stop at the edge of the grass. There's an large tree a meter or so from the edge, its branches tiredly reaching out to give shade. The perfect place to sit, I think to myself. I take off my shoes, the grass soft underneath my feet. I set my bag down and start toward the water. I've always been cautious of the lake, the fear of what lurks below is enough to keep me far away from it for years. But today the way the water catches the light is captivating. The shimmer and sparkle of the dark water. The pleasant and harmless day making the ugly water look scarily beautiful. I stick a few toes in, to test it. It's far warmer than I had expected. I wade in the shallow water, allowing it to go halfway up my calf.

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