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Two nights after I was discharged from St. Mungo's I found myself a little restless, I was overthinking things. This often happened when I was thinking about my mother or father, or my relationship with George. I decided it would be wise to get some fresh air. Claire woke up when she heard me stirring but I told her not to worry and to go back to sleep.

I went outside and to my surprise, I say George sitting atop the flying car, looking up at the sky. He didn't say anything when he felt my hand touch his before hoisting myself onto the car, he just moved over.

"What are you doing up so late?" I ask. He gives no answer, rather simply holding my hand, not moving his gaze from the sky. After a long while, he speaks.

"Do you ever think there's anything beyond our world?" He asks me. I ponder this for a moment. I had thought about this before, but I wanted to give him a sure answer.

"I think it'd be stupid not to. Or rather selfish, to think we're the only ones to ever exist." He nods in agreement. "I've read a few muggle books, many of them hold the same belief. That there are aliens on other planets in other galaxies that we don't know about. Apparently they've committed a lot of effort to it, even going so far as to travel to the moon. They're called astronauts."

His eyes widen. "Y-you mean. People have been on there?" He asks, pointing at the moon. I nod. He smiles at this. "I want to be an astronaut." We sit in silence for another few minutes. I take the time to recognize constellations and various different stars.

After another long while he turns to me. "Since we're both obviously very awake, wanna do something?" My eyes glimmer with mischief as I nod at his request. "Great," he continues. "I'll drive this time." He pulls out a mysterious backpack, which he says has all the essentials. "You'll soon find out why I was out here so late. We get ourselves into the car, and I shiver a bit. He opened the bag, pulled out a hoodie and sweats of his and handed them to me. He also explains that he was expecting me to join him one of these days.

As we take off, I pull off my shorts to put on his. He glances over at me and his eyes widen. "Merlin, Tori. Remind me to be around you more often if you're gonna keep not wearing clothes."

I roll my eyes. "Shut it you nonce. I'm just cold." He laughs, but keeps trying to steal glances at me from the driver's seat. I was thankful he gave me a zip up jumper, I can still attempt to be fashionable as I'm wearing a cropped tank top.

We eventually exit the hidden wizard world and enter the muggle world. Since it's late there are little cars on the road. We land on a road and when nobody was around we turned the car's visibility back on. We eventually parked somewhere in the streets of London. There was still a large amount of people walking around, people that live in the city are often quite crazy like that. I often think that I'd like to live in London.

We get out of the car and he looks me up and down. "Merlin, you're gorgeous," he mutters, quiet enough for me to almost miss if I wasn't as punctilious. I instinctively grab his hand as we begin walking. I put my wand in George's mysterious bag before we go far, I realized I couldn't use it unless I wanted the ministry expelling me. As we walk down a somewhat busy street, he talks to me quietly. "We have a few things to obtain. I only have a little bit of muggle money so that means we have to pickpocket and steal since we can't use our wands. Are you down for that?" I smile and nod.

I let go of his hand and he reaches into his bag. He has two extendable hooks for each of us. I take it and choose my first victim. I walk a bit ahead of him, noticing a wealthy looking man walking in front of me. I casually catch up with him and gradually stick the hook in the square shaped bulge in his back pocket, doing the same once the hook caught a grip on it. As soon as the last corner of the wallet is wiggled out, the hook quickly retracted. I proudly smiled and stuck the wallet into my pocket. I turned around and saw George doing the same to a woman's expensive purse. I smile and bid her a 'good evening', giving George the distraction he needed to snatch her wallet from her purse. He puts it in his bag and we high five.

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