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I've been very conflicted the entire way to the sorting ceremony. My mind is racing.

What if I'm a Slytherin? I can't be with all my friends. I haven't a clue what houses the others are going to get but it's certainly not Slytherin. My mind races in the other direction.

But what if I'm NOT a Slytherin? Father might be angry and I don't know what he would do.

Claire is standing beside me. "Are you okay?" She asks, looking worried. "What's wrong?" I tell her and she nods. "Well whatever houses we get put in I'll always be here for you." We hug and she kisses my cheek. "It's all going to be alright. Okay?" I nod and we follow a woman named Professor McGonagall into the Great Hall. Headmaster Dumbledore makes a few announcements and the sorting begins.

"Cassius Warrington," Dumbledore calls. Cassius walks toward the stool and sits.

"SLYTHERIN" it shouts. Cheering comes from what I assume is the Slytherin table.

"Cedric Diggory"

"HUFFLEPUFF" Cheering from the Hufflepuff table.

"Roger Davies"

"RAVENCLAW" Cheers from the Ravenclaws.

"George Weasley" Fred starts walking toward the stool but I pull him back.

"It's going to know" I whisper-shout. He looks defeated and his brother walks up to the stool.

"Hmm. GRYFFINDOR" says the hat. The table cheers and I see another redhead pat him on the back. I assume they're related. Fred is cheering too.

"Fred Weasley" he has his fingers crossed.

"Another one of you Weasleys. How many is this now? Four?" Fred nods and says there's two more coming after him. "Wow. GRYFFINDOR" George is whooping from the Gryffindor table.

A few people whom I don't know were called. I zone out.

"Claire Ollivander" I nudge her and she prances over to the hat.

"Hmm. Wisdom of a Ravenclaw and the kindness of a Hufflepuff. I'm going to say GRYFFINDOR" she looks at me surprised and goes to sit next to a cheering Fred, George, and Lee. My name is called next. The room goes quiet when everyone hears my last name. I hear some murmurs that are probably along the lines of 'Snape has a daughter??'

"Ooh this is a tough one," it says. "I'm going to put you in... GRYFFINDOR" I am so shocked. I look at my father who is sitting behind Dumbledore. He has no expression. I smile at my table and sit between George and Claire.

"Congrats Snape," say the boys in unison. I bite my lip. I'm happy I can be with my friends but I'm so worried about Father.

Claire nudges me. "Its ok V," she says, trying to calm me down. Then her eyes widen. "He's coming over here."

I start to breathe faster and my eyes start to water. The boys are on about quidditch again. Claire grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Victoria," I hear from behind me. All my friends look up at him. "See me after dinner," he says and glides away. A shiver goes down my spine.

"Hey, deep breaths okay?" George puts his hand on my arm and rubs it with his thumb. I nod and start to relax a bit. "Meet me in the common room after he talks to you and we can talk about it." This boy is so sweet.


After dinner, I wait for my father in a random corridor.

"Well well well, who knew the head of Slytherin's daughter would be a Gryffindor." My father says. It's always so hard to tell his expression when he speaks the same way all the time.

"I'm so sorry, Sir. There was nothing I could do. If I could be Slytherin I would but-"

"Victoria. The sorting hat knew what it was doing. It is always right"

"I suppose it is Sir but aren't you mad at me?"

"Absolutely not." His face softens and he looks at me with sad eyes. "With everything that I fear will happen I think it is better that you aren't in Slytherin house. Besides, your mother was a Gryffindor."

"What?" I am in complete shock. My mouth hangs open.

"It's true. Close your mouth before a Nargle gets in there. You'll be off to bed now."

I smile sadly. "Goodnight, Father." I turn and start walking away.

"Victoria," he says quietly. I whip around really fast. He's never spoken to me this softly before.

"Yes Father?"

"May I have a hug?" He's whispering now. He looks to be on the verge of tears. I run into his arms, breathing in his cologne and the smell of food on him from the Great Hall. "I'm so proud of you darling," he said this so quietly I barely even heard him. He pulls away. "Goodnight Victoria."

I wave at him and start up the stairs. A prefect is waiting there to tell me the password.

"Welwitschia Mirabilis," he says. The painting opens the door. I whisper thank you.

I say it three times in my head to remember it.

Welwitschia Mirabilis, Welwitschia Mirabilis, Welwitschia Mirabilis.

I stay in the common room trying to compose myself. I'm so overwhelmed. I am on the verge of a panic attack and I pace with my head up to try to keep tears from falling. I must've looked funny.

"What are you doing?" George says from the stairs.

I try to tell him but the words don't come out. Instead I just start sobbing. He comes over to me and wraps me up in a hug, rubbing my back. Nobody has ever been this comforting to me in my life. I crumple in his arms. Instead of dropping me or trying to hold me up, he comes to the ground with me.

"Its okay darling," he says softly. "Breathe with me." I breathe at the same pace as him and I start to calm down. "You don't need to tell me anything. I just want to help."

I stop crying and after a minute he pulls away.

"You should get some rest. Today must have been draining for you." I nod in agreement. He starts to walk away but I grab his hand.

"Thank you so much George," he looks at me, still astonished.

"How did you know it was me? You've only known me for a few hours."

"The same way you knew to help me. We're superheroes," I joke. He laughs at me.

"Goodnight Victoria. Gosh your name is so many syllables how about I give you a nickname?" He smirks at me and wiggles his eyebrows. "How's Vicky sound?"

I pretend to vomit. "I hate that name. It's not me. Nobody's ever given me a real nickname before, besides Claire who calls me V. But that's no fun."

"Hmm. How about Tori? That seems more like you. Sounds rebellious too." I smile and nod. "Alright then Tori. That'll be my little nickname for you. Get some rest."

"Goodnight George"

I go to sleep smiling that night.

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