Alien Nightmares

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(A/n- Sooooo, Alien. That movie is one of my favorite movies of all time, and the Xenomorphs in it absolutely terrify me. Recently, they made the game Alien: Isolation, and it is both terrifying and awesome. So recently I've also been having a lot of scary dreams with Xenomorphs in them. I mean, the dreams are epic, but I kinda would like to sleep. So in these dreams, quite a few times, Alphonse is with me running from the Alien. So this one shot is somewhat inspired by that. Sorry if the concept seems weird, it's just something I came up with. And you don't have to be familiar with Alien or the franchise to understand this one shot. Just know the Alien is basically indestructible. Enjoy!)

Your pulse raced, your legs tiring, your breathing heavy. Tears streamed down your face as you ran for your life. Your mind continued replaying the last few minutes over and over again.

'He said he would be fine,' you thought with lightning speed. 'He said it wouldn't be able to kill him.'

The scene played in your head once more, reliving the nightmare that had taken place only a short time ago.

"I'll be fine (Y/n)," Alphonse stated, trying to calm you down from your hyperventilating state. "The alien won't be able to kill me. I've got a hollow body, it can't hurt me."

"W-what if it ends up hitting your blood seal?" You whispered to him. Making the least amount of noise possible would hopefully not attract the monster.

Al lifted up his helmet to show you the blood seal, only a tiny area on all the metal that made up his inner being.

"It's only a tiny spot, I don't even think it would know where to hit me. Besides, this way I can focus on protecting you, because, well, I love you."

You turned your head up towards him. He had said the words you were hoping for, the ones that you had waited years to hear.

"Al," you whispered. Then the unthinkable happened.

You saw a sharp, thick, spear-like object pierce through the blood seal. Al's lit eyes went dark. The monstrous hunter had found its prey.

The aliens's tail had destroyed Alphonse. What had been him, was just an empty suit of armor now.

You turned and ran for it, tears streaming down your face as you sprinted away.

Now you were running down the corridors, searching desperately for an escape route.

'You can't outrun it,' you remembered advice from an unknown source.

There was no escape. This was how you were going to die, and you knew it. The only thing you could hope for now was a painless death. But you knew that that wouldn't happen. The alien was known for painful deaths.

Suddenly, you just gave up. You couldn't escape, couldn't live on. Your time had come.

You turned slowly to see the alien running towards you. It had its claws outstretched to you, and the inner mouth started to show itself. It was a horrid sight. Your eyes closed slowly as you awaited your oncoming death.

'Here I come, Alphonse.'


A scream escaped your mouth as you jolted upright in your bed. Tears were streaming out of your eyes at an unprecedented rate. Sweat cover your body, and you were shaking from sobs.

'It was a nightmare,' you realized.' A horrible, terrifying nightmare,' you chuckled a bit, before collapsing from more sobs.

Alphonse was still alive, you were still alive, and there was no alien.

You heard a soft knock on your door. You lived in Winry's house, so it didn't surprise you that someone was woken up by your nightmare-induced screams. Al's soft voice came through the wood.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

"Alphonse?" Your voice cracked, giving away the fact you were crying.

Al opened the door with what you guessed would have been a worried look on his face, or helmet. He quickly came over to you to see what was wrong. You tried to keep the tears in, to look strong.


You suddenly lost it, and collapsed in a fit of tears once again in his arms. You tried gasping out explanations, unsuccessfully of course.

"Nightmare...alien...blood seal...killed us..." Those were the only words Alphonse managed to understand, but he seemed to piece the reason you were crying together.

He hugged you close, trying to soothe you by rubbing your back comfortingly and saying "shh" repeatedly.

That did help you calm down after a few minutes. Now your sobs had become nothing but muffled sniffles.

"Are you okay now?" He asked. "Do you wanna talk about the nightmare?"

Having regained your composure for the most part, you told him about everything that happened, except for the part where he said he loved you. By the time you had finished, you and Alphonse were lying down on the bed together. You had become quite sleepy.


"Yeah (Y/n)?"

"Can you stay here for a while?"

"Of course, (Y/n)."

Now you were in the phase of possibly falling asleep at any second. Your mind would take actions that it would not usually, had it been fully awake and thinking straight. You cuddled closer to Alphonse, deciding to say a few more things before you fell completely into slumber.


"Yes (Y/n)?"

"I love you."

Alphonse was surprised at first, then hugged you closer.

"I love you too (Y/n)."

When you dreamed afterward, there were no more nightmares. There were only sweet, pleasant dreams.

*The end*

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