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(Jimin's POV)

"Are we allowed to be in here when it's not school hours?" I asked, looking around the dark room. Jungkook turned on the lights, illuminating the equipment room. There was equipment for all manner of sports, divided into their own sections. He went to the back and retrieved a heavy looking dummy. It was only the torso up, and it was an inch taller than me, sitting on the beam attached to it.

"My coach doesn't mind, seeing as they gave me a key, and I'm sure the school doesn't either, since I bring in a lot of revenue for them." Jungkook locked the equipment room door after us and put the keys into his pocket. I followed behind him and the dummy he was carrying into the boxing gym. I glanced at the actual boxing ring that sat empty. I had been in here before but only to get Jungkook to go somewhere after class.. They had a separate arena for the fights, this was only a practice room. A mirror sat on the other side of the wall with various punching bags, speed bags, weights, and other workout equipment.

"I feel like I should warn you that I have no athletic ability, the only thing I've ever done was dance, which I enjoyed, but my mother pulled me out of that at 14 because she said it was a distraction. So I hope you're not expecting too much from me."

"You don't need athletic ability to learn self defense, though I'm sure it would help. But I mean, your stamina has increased since I've met you." He changed his tone during the last sentence, hinting at a different kind of 'athletic ability.'

"Jungkook!" I tried to hit his shoulder but he dodged with a laugh and moved into the ring. He set up the dummy and helped me get in afterwards. It had been a few weeks since my concussion and I was fully recovered, the bruises had gone away too.

"This is Joe." Jungkook put his arm around the dummy's shoulders. I raised an eye brown at the name but he just shrugged. "The first thing about self defense is that defending doesn't always mean fighting. Fighting should be your last resort, escape is always the better option. So the first thing we'll go over is where to hit your attacker to destabilize them long enough for your escape." Jungkook explained everything thoroughly but in a simple way. He had me fake knee Joe where his 'private parts' would be if he had them. He also had me jab at his eyes, ears, and Adam's apple, as well as push up against the person's nose, most likely to break it or at least stun them.

"Those were the main sensitive areas but if it's not possible to reach those things, for example if they have you in a choke hold, an escape method you can use is to hold your chin down against your neck so they can't cut off your airway," he started, moving behind me to mimic a chokehold. I pressed my chin down into my neck as he said. "Take a step to the side, then I want you to aim for my groin. This would make the person's knees bend slightly and falter in their grip. You would take this opportunity to grab their arm, and even elbow them in the gut if you can. If you grab their arm and the grip is lose enough to pull them you can twist or break their arm like this." He walked me through several methods, some lethal but mostly just things that would stun the other person. We went through several different positions and practices each one several times. He also showed me a few things from Taekwondo which he just happened to be a black belt in. At this point I wondered what he wasn't skilled at.

"I'm tired, can we take a break." I huffed, laying down on the mat. I thought just shifting positions wouldn't be that tiring but it was, especially the martial arts portion. Jungkook hopped out of the ring and disappeared for a moment but returned with two bottles of water. I was sweating but he barely looked like he had done anything at all, which made sense but I was still jealous. I drank almost half of the bottle immediately as he talked about other tips he knew about self defense and what to do in case of being attacked by someone bigger, someone with weapons, and other scenarios. By the end of the session my head was filled with new information. "I don't know if I could remember all of this if I was attacked again, last time I kind of just froze." I explained, slightly embarrassed. Jungkook nodded as if he expected that.

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