Chapter 3

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I was waken by the sound of my alarm. I raised up to take it off but was soon hit with a serious headache. "FUCK" I shouted which made it worse. I got up slowly out of bed and made my way into my kitchen. I got my hangover remedy out and blended them together.

"TURN THAT FUCKING NOISE OFF" Niall shouted from the couch. "Oh fuck off i need this if i want to function well for practice today" i told him. The time now read 6:15.

I drank my smoothie quickly and making my way back tk my room ready to take a shower. When i was done i placed my hair back in its usual high ponytail.

I threw on my crop black vest and cut white hoodie with matching pants, and my usual black high tops. I placed my four bottles if water in ny duffle bag, change of clothes and left my room. By the time i was done the time was now 7:25 i had enough time before practice.

"Niall im leaving, clean up your mess before i come back home" i shouted to him. He grunted in response and i just closed the door making my way to my car. I messaged Niall to remind him to pick up his car from the club and then i drove off to the club but i stopped at McDonald's before buying everyone breakfast. We all have a day to buy everyone breakfast if we cant then we all bring our own.

I entered the building three bags of McDonald's in my hands water bottles in my bag. I made my way to the dressing room. "Your Angel is here bitches" i said entering the room my hands holding the food in the air. The all smiled at me and thanked me. I grabbed my sandwich and handed everyone their bottle water. Only two sandwiches were reamining one for Julie and normally it would be for Mr.Melbourne but i guess Louis would be getting it.

After we all had our breakfast, Julie walked in. She went straight for her sandwich and water. "Hey Jess can you give Louis is breakfast i think he's in his office" Julie said to me. I nodded and took the bag with his sandwich and water with me walking to his office.

The door was closed and i remembered his rule so i knocked a few times before the door opened, revealing a tired eyes Louis. I laughed at his state and held the food up to show him. He stepped back opening the door for me to enter and closing it back.

"Well Goodmorning to you to" i said to him. "Why are so jolly this morning shouldnt you be in the same state i am now?" He asked. I chuckled at him. "Nope I have my secrets on how to get over hangovers" i said. I placed the food on his desk. "I just came to drop you off your breakfast it was my day so buy so" i said to him. He nodded his head and opened the bag. He smiled when he saw what it was and thanked me.

"Your welcome, well i have to go now see you around" i said. But before i could leave he stopped me. "Your Niall's sister but ive never seen you around before, why?" He asked me confusion all over his face. I chuckled. "Niall's my stepbrother our parents married three years ago" i said to him. He nodded his head in understanding and i took that as my que to leave.

I made my way to the stage where everyone was stretching and i did the same. "Okay everyone places" Julie said. "From the top, five six seven eight" she counted, and the music played. "STOP!" She shouted and paused the music. "Melissa less pout more strut, pout after we get this routine down pack from the top everyone" she said. The music played again.

"Okay guys lets run that one more time and everyone please please please we want a clean cut so from the top" she said. The music played through the speakers and we danced from the top. I felt a pair of eyes on me and turned my head in the direction. It was Louis watching from his office. I smirked at him and rolled my eyes focusing on the dance routine.

Three hours later we were all spread across the stage trying to catch our breaths. "I have never danced for so long in my life before" Victoria said trying to catch her breathe. "I think i might have burnt off some last baby weight" she joked making everyone else laugh. I grabbed the water from my bag drowning it and the next and the next and the last one. Before i could drink the last one it was taken out if my hands.

"Heeyyy" i sat up to see the culprit. Louis himself standing behind me drinking my water. Everyone laughed but i didnt find it funny i was still thirsty. "You owe me a water" i said. "Why you just drank three" he said. "It's her routine four bottle of water after practice and shes all energised. Its weird" Jacob explained.

"Oh she would survive, anyway i just want to wish your goodluck tomorrow im sure my uncle would be surprised and happy that this dance is for him" he said with the cutest smile on his face.

He walked off the stage and everyone began talking. The doors opened and Niall walked in. 'What's he doing here?' I asked myself. I got off and walked to him. He spotted me and walked towards me as well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Umm so..Megan and i broke up and she kicked me out so kinda need a place to stay..i-if that's okay with you" he said. He looked so sad. I mean i never liked that Megan bitch but he really liked her so to hear this broke my heart.

"You dont even need to ask me Niall, your my brother of course you can stay, you can move into the spare bedroom, just no one nighters over at the place and if your friends are coming over just give me a head ups" i said to him and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks Jess" he said. "No problem, hey better for us right we can sleep with whoever we want now" i said trying to make him laugh. He let out a small laugh but it wasnt real. "I'm really sorry Niall but i have a one more hour of practice you want to stay Louis is in his office" i said pointing in Louis direction.

He nodded his head mummbling a thanks and made his way to Louis' office.

I made my way back to the stage. "Who's the cute guy Jessica? New boyfriend?" Victoria asked. Jacob and i shared similar looks before bursting into laughter. "What?" Victoria asked. "He's my stepbrother" i said calming down. "Oh sorry" she said sheepishly. "It's okay" i said.

"Okay guys enough chit chat lets run this through two more times then you can go get your beauty sleep" Julie said. We ran it through five more times to be exact because we were all tired so we did it messily.

The time was now 1 pm. I was packing my stuff up and i change into some more less sweaty more comfy clothes after my shower.

I gathered my belongings and made my way uo to Louis' office to tell Niall that I'm going. I the door was closed so i knocked. It opened to a smiling Louis. "Hey" he said. "Hey um.. i came to speak to Niall" i said. He stepped aside letting me in.

"Hey what's up?" Niall asked. "Im leaving now, did your get your car back?" I asked. He nodded his head but his smile fell. "It wasnt mine it was Megan's" he said. Fuck sakes Niall.

Another reason i hated that bitch she made Niall feel like he needed to depend on her so she let him move in with her, she let him use her car, wjat next she let him use her dick. "Sigh... okay do you need a ride home or will Louis drop you?" I asked him. "Go on i will get a ride with Louis" he said. I nodded my head and give a hug. "You have a key so i dont need to leave the door unlocked" i said. I said goodbye making my way to the parking lot.

A/N: poor Niall, Megan is a bitch though. But on another note idk how i want Louis and Jessica to get together. I mean im not sure if i want them to go behind Niall's back or if i want Niall to support them but still be iffy you-know.

Anywhoo. Remeber to vote comment and share.

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