Chapter 20

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It's the day i get to go home. I know i should be excited and everything but I'm not. I'm still stuck in this stupid ass wheel chair.

The past few days the guys tried talking to me but still i wouldn't respond. All i kept thinking about was I'm missing out on a great opportunity and i might not even get it again. Taylor sent me some flowers but i asked them to be removed from my room. It was just another reminder of what i know i can't have.

The doctor gave me medication for any pain that could occur. I just sat in the chair and waited for Niall to take me to the car.

The drive home was quiet minus the radio playing low. He parked out of Louis' house and i watched him. "I thought we were going home as in my apartment?" I asked him. "Your staying with Louis" he said. "No I'm not i want to go back to my apartment" i say to him.

"Jess I'm not going to be home to take care of you, with my job i can't work from home and you know that but Louis can so your staying with him end of discussion" he says. "I could take care of myself" i said to him. "Jess don't" he sighs. I ignore him and open the door.

"What are you doing?" He asks. "Taking care of myself" i say to him. I slowly planted my feet on the floor, sitting at the edge of the seat. "Jess don't your gonna hurt yourself" Niall protests. I here the other door open and close. Niall comes in my view.

"Leave me alone Niall, i can walk" i say to him. "No you can't Jess let me help you het in the wheel chair" he says. "FUCK OFF NIALL" I yell at him. "I'm not broken i know how to walk" i say to him.

I remove myself from the seat slowly and im standing. I wobble a bit and Niall comes to help me but i shoot him a glare and he back off. I move my right foot first limping a bit, then i move my left foot. I fall.

"Shit Jess come on let me help you" Niall says. "LEAVE ME ALONE NIALL FOR FUCKS SAKES LEAVE ME ALONE" I break down in tears. "Please leave me alone" i say to him. I cry in my arms on the floor in Louis' drive way.

"I'm inside" Niall whispers. I don't respond as i continue crying. Why didn't i just die. That wouldve been way better than me going through all this pain and seeing the pity on everyone's face.

"Jess? Shit why are you on the floor?" I hear Louis ask me. I look up at him and he sees my face he rushes to me. "Shit Jess let me help you please" he says but i say nothing. He brings the wheel chair closer to me and scoops be up in his arms and place me in the wheel chair gently.

He takes us into the house and i see Niall sitting on the bar stool watching us. I ask Louis to take me to my room.
"Thank you but please just leave me alone for a while" i say to him. He nods his head and walks out. I use my good hand to lock the door and take me to my bed. I put the chair close to the bed as possible and stand on my left legs thats in the vast i have a few seconds before i fall again to i hop on the bed quick but gently.

I lay there for a while watching the ceiling but soon drift off to sleep.


I exist Jessica's room and make my way back into the kitchen. "She say amything?" Niall asks. "Just to leave her alone" i reply. "She's been saying that all week" he says. "We can't do anything about it Niall, she just found that there is a slight possibility she might not be able to do the one thing she loves, and on top of that she's going to miss the tour" i say to him. "She won't say it but i know thinking she missed an opportunity, and to be honest I'm scared for her as well, what if she really can't  dance again, that will crush her and it would hurt me because then i can't do anything about it" i say to him.

"She will. She will be able to dance again, and im positive that they would be a lot more opportunities to come her way" Niall says. I sigh and rest my head in my palms and inhale deeply.

We move to the living room and turn on the tv. Fifteen minutes later we hear Jess screaming. We run to her room and try to open the door but it was locked. "Its locked fucking hell" Niall says. I run to the entrance and grab the keys for all the rooms. I turned the key and open the door to see a crying Jess gasping for air.

"Jess-" i say. "DON'T COME NEAR ME" She shouts. I ignore her and move closer to her. I reach out tonher but she starts screaming. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME, DON'T TOUCH ME" She screams. I try to calm her down put she screams louder. "LEAVE ME ALONE ASHTON IM SORRY LEAVE ME ALONE" She cries.

Ashton. Shit she thinks im Ashton. "I'm not going to touch you Jess. It's me Louis, just breathe and listen to my voice, take a deep breathe" i say to her. I turn to Niall. "Can you bring her a glass of water?" He nodds his head and leaves to the kitchen.

"Just take some deep breaths Jess, you're okay I'm here he can't hurt you anymore" he say to her. Her breathing slows down as she calms  herself. Niall comes back with the water and gives it to her. She drinks it and give him the empty glass.

"I'm sorry" she whispers. "It's okay love it was only a nightmare" i say to her. "I will leave you two alone im in the living room if you need me" Niall says,as he walks out the room and close the door.

"I'm coming closer to you is that okay?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Just dont come close to me stay there" she says. "Jess please let me comfort you please its killing me that you don't want my help just please" i beg her. "Sigh, i don't want anyones help Louis" she says. I go to say something but protest it.

"Okay how i about i sit at the edge of the bed is that okay?" I asks her. She nodds her head and i take seat at the bottom of the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask her. She shakes her head and i sigh.

"Jess please" i say. "Just go Louis  i already said i dont want anyone's help including yours" she says to me. "That's it? It's not the end of the fucking world Jess, im going to help you either you like it or not. It's not the end of the fucking world your going to dance again and walk and run anything that involves using your feet. Stop rejecting everyones help dammit" i say to her.

"Could you walk at the moment Louis? Do you need anyone's help to get you in ths shower and change your clothes for you? Do you NEED TO GO TO FUCKING PHYSICAL THERAPY? DID YOUR ABUSIVE EX DECIDE TO MESS UP YOUR LIFE? NO SO DON'T TELL ME ITS THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD WHEN IT FEELS LIKE IT IS SO JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCKING ASS HELL ALONE. TAKE A FUCKING HINT" She yells at me.

I stand up and walk towards the door. "When you've calm down and need my help im outside" i say to her. "Don't count on it" she says. I pursed my lips together and walk out the door.

"You guys okay?" Niall asks. "Peachy" i reply. "Give her some time mate like you said before she's scared she feels like all her time just got wasted don't push her she would come around" he says.

"Yeah but i just wish she would be easy with accepting my help or yours at least" is say. "Me too" he sighs.


A/N: Aww poor Jess. I understand her being in a cast and needing people help. I was in a cast once and had my family help me difference is i enjoyed it. But Jess prefers to do things herself so i also understand. And Louis omg my heart. But he's weird one minuhe says he understands her the nex thes telling her to stop acting as if the world would end. But lets see how things go from here in the next chapter

Anywhoo...remember to vote comment and share.

Also i do not edit my books what ever i write stays if i see the mistake before i publish it i would change it.

1541 words.

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