Chapter 22

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Weeks have passed and now were approaching Christmas. Louis had to cancel on visiting his family in Doncaster, just so he can stay and watch me. Which of course made me feel really bad, so i told him to let them come here instead.

He hesitated for a while before agreeing to it.

It was now the day before Christmas Eve and ad i like to call it 'Christmas Eve Eve'. And also the day before Louis' birthday.

"They should be here any minute are sure you want them to stay here?" He asks. "Louis one this is your house, two their your family and three of course i want them here the more they're around the more embarrassing stories i get to hear about you" i say smirking in the end.

"Haha no embarrassing stories would be told" he says.

He smiles but it doesnt reach his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing" he says


"My mom won't be here to celebrate again" he says. Sadness thick in his tone.

"Lou she will be here. She's in your DNA your heart heck im positive she's behind you every day watching you with the biggest and widest smile known to man kind along with your sister too. Their both proud of you okay, and they wouldn't want you to be sad on the day before your birthday so put a smile on your face" i say to him.

He sits next to me on the couch and kiss my lips gently.

"Thank you" he says.

"Anytime babe" i say to him.

The door bells goes off before he says anything.

"You ready to meet them?" He asks.

I nod my head yes.

He gets up and opens the door. I hear him greet his family and the noise gets louder as the enter the room I'm in.

"Guys this is my girlfriend Jessica, Jess this is my Dad (his stepdad) Daniel and sister Lottie, then Daisy and Phoebe and then we have these little dumplings Ernest and Doris" Louis says with a smile on his face.

"I would hug you all right now but as you can see" i say referring to the cast on my body as a joke.

They chuckle a little.

"Are you okay?" I believe it was Lottie who asked.

"Yup, two months down one more to go" i say with a big smile on my face.

In the past two months I've taken all the help that was given to me. Louis and Niall, Zayn, Harry and Liam all took part in helping me. When the question of what happened to me orginally i planned to tell them i fell down the stairs but I trusted them so i told them the truth.

They were angry but when i told them Ashton got a life time in prsion they relaxed a bit.

Now im just counting down the days till my cast is off and im in therapy sessions.

"Well that's good. I hope my idiot brother wasn't a pain in the arse" she says.

"Hahaha i can't say he has but I've been one to him. He got me this bell so when he's working and i need something from to ring it, sometimes i ring it for nothing" i say laughing.

They all laugh with me.

"Hahaha so funny" Louis says

"I only come each time because you could actuall need something" he says.

"Sure baby" i say.

"So what are yall plans for the stay?" I ask them.

"Well we came to say hi and get to our hotel for check in then we were going to take a little tour around the city" Daniel his stepdad said.

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