Chapter 25

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Two years past since New Years night.

After I healed from my knee injury it took me months to be able to dance again. Louis and I fought almost everyday, and everyday I thought it was going to lead to him leaving me.

I remember this one time, I was trying to get back together but after so many attempts and failing he told me to stop and relax and I just snapped at him.


I enter the Melbourne Dance Club a third time this week. The other two times I came to keep Louis company and the second I visited the other dancers. Each time we leave last, and each time I try to dance but I always end up falling and Louis coming to my aid.

Today I decide to try again.

I turn on Megan Thee Stallion- Body and do this whole hip hop kinda of dance.

Trying to do a leap jump I end up falling on my landing.

"Fucking hell Jess" Louis says.

"I'm fine" I say

"You need to take it easy"

"I said I'm fine Louis, it was just a bad landing nothings wrong"

"The doctor said to wait one more month before you dance again"

"I waited four fucking months Louis no wait five actually with that walking therapy, I know I that I am fine so you and that doctor could stick those dumb medications, files and your comments far up your fucking arses. This, this right here is my life and if anyone has a problem with it they can leave me the fucking hell alone.

Do you know how hard it is to watch everyone else have the dream you wanted, I hate him for doing this to me I hate so so much, even if no one recognized me at least I got fulfill my dream, but I didn't because he put me in a hospital he put me in a cast and he put me in walking therapy. I can't even go home because I'm scared of something like that happening again, so right now this here is all I have so BACK THE FUCK OFF"

He watches me dead in my eyes, nod his head and walked off to his office. He slammed the door shut and I just stood there trying to catch my breath.

I change the music to Lewis Capaldi- Hold me while you Wait.

I think maybe this will me an easy dance and it just fits my situation I think.

I started crying as i was done. Everything that happened to me, every tear I held back to show i that I was okay caught up to me.

I felt a hand wrapped around me. I look up to see Louis besides me.

"It's okay Jess"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologies, you were right I don't know what you went through  but I'm here for you i always am" he says.

He kisses me and I calm down for a while.

"I was saving this for when you were able to dance again at the right time, umm remember like that month I had Niall stay with you because I had "work"?" He asks.


"Well where as that was true, I left early to plan this for you, umm I've been taking dance class to do a dance for you well a dance you did already but it was with Jacob before I came and work here, it's my favorite dance of yours actually, so I practiced it after work and I  wanted to dance with you when you heal"



"I'm healed now, which dance is it"

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